Unhero-like | Chpt 82

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I created a wattpad insta where I'll post updates about the book, fun stuff, etc. I will also do live-streams on there!!! You can see my face and ask me questions if you want while I'm writing or planning

This ones a long one. Hold on tight folks.


(y/n)'s POV

"You've found him?" Aizawa asked, spotting me coming out the front steps. The relief I had felt in finally receiving a response from Kacchan had been enough to settle to uncomfortable churn in my stomach, the one that was making me massage my ribs as if that would ease the feeling of the nervous butterfly.

"Yeah, he finally answered. He should be here soon," I said, waving my phone towards Aizawa to signal that was where Kacchan had contacted me. As if on cue, I could hear Kacchan's footsteps behind me.

"What's going on?" Kacchan asked, eyeing Aizawa. I had explained so little in my panicked text messages, he was probably on red alert like myself, but at least I knew where we were going.

"The police brought in Chouka, but she's not under custody, so we need to get there as quick as possible. She was brought in willingly," he stated, gesturing towards the school's gate. Kacchan looked at me and I just gave him a pained expression before glancing away. I was questioning whether or not he was still angry with me about earlier. He had gone to Joue, according to Aizawa-sensei, which meant he had most likely calmed down. He couldn't still be mad, could he? Was he truly mad at me, or himself? I hadn't noticed before, but there was a car waiting to take us to the station. Aizawa ushered us into it first, seating himself in the passenger's seat. There was an odd urgency about him that just didn't feel right. I glanced out the window, back into the school. I knew principal Nezu probably wasn't fond of this idea, us going without him. Maybe that was why Aizawa-sensei had chosen to be so quick about it.

The car began its drive away and I sank back in my seat, nervously twiddling with my fingers. Kacchan noticed immediately, offering his hand to me by placing it in the middle seat between us--palm up. I just pressed my lips together, looking at it and then looking away. I placed the ends of my fingers on his palm, his fingers curling to squeeze around mine. Earlier today didn't even matter anymore, at this point I couldn't bother to let that thought clog up my head with the rest of my worries of what was to come. It was so strange to know we had just been in the exams, a whole new chapter of the day opening itself up. I wasn't even all that sore yet from the exams, despite my nap, and to have one thing happen so quickly after another was only adding to the day's stress. To all my stress.

I couldn't even begin to fathom the idea that some girl wanted Kacchan so badly she would hurt me. We shared a common interest of Kacchan, and yet I had no intention of hurting anyone. If Kacchan had chosen someone else, it would be painful but something I could deal with. How could she feel that way? After being so far away from Kacchan, too. It had been a great deal of time, several months, since she had last seen him in person. She could've seen him at the Sports Festival or on the news for his kidnappings, but that was it. My mind was then drawn to the fact she had information flowing from the school. There were many inconsistencies I had still yet to figure out. How had she found the made up language when I was young? Who was giving her information? Did she know the guy who attacked me? I felt Kacchan's thumb brush the back of my hand and I looked his way. He was seated and looking out his window, his thumb absentmindedly moving. I suppose that was why we were going, to figure out everything. Kacchan hadn't said a word and yet, I felt as though he could read my mind and was telling me I didn't need to worry so much.

We rolled up on the station, which appeared quiet on the outside. It made me wonder how crazy it was inside. I followed Aizawa-sensei and Kacchan, the two of them walking ahead of me. I didn't quite want to be the front of the line, considering this girl supposedly wanted to eliminate me from the picture. Kacchan's hand had released mine a long time ago, when we stepped out of the car. I knew there was no way we could hold hands in there, that was just asking for it. We were directed to the back by the officer at the front. There were a few linoleum-floored halls until the investigation room. We passed by the waiting room where people were sat and expecting to be seen, then a lab with tinted windows so you couldn't see inside, and finally past a few offices. There was an unnerving aura around the place and I closed the gap between me and Aizawa-sensei, letting out a shaky breath. I don't know why I was so scared.

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