Interruptions | Chpt 57

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Hello. If you haven't read Adressing some things I suggest you please do, it's before this chapter. It's very important to me and as a reader I wish you all are informed about these things!

Happy pride month again to those celebrating to the best of their ability due to the current situations! I am always open to those who need to talk as an ally to your community and many others. Feel free to reach out if you so wish! You're basically all my children at this point, always proud of what you do and who all of you are so please feel free to talk to me!

BE CAUTIOUS OF PRIDEFALL. Do not let individuals harm you in any way. Let me know if you need anything!


There's a lovely link to a youtube video above that you can have running in the background of whatever you're doing. All ad revenue is donated to the Black Lives Matter movement and it's a wonderful compilation to watch!! Lots of ads makes for a lot of money, make sure not to block or skip them! Fight from home if you can't be on the front lines! Just setting this video on loop in the background is enough support from you!!

There's a couple of streams you can have run as well, just take a look on YouTube. Some are specific to country!!


(y/n)'s POV

"So I saw you two with your...hands locked?" Mina asked, walking in front of me and backwards through the hall. She laced her fingers together, making an obnoxious kissy face at me. She was bound to run into someone so I grasped her wrist, tugging her to walk beside me and forwards.

"Yeah...he's cute, isn't he?" I asked, smiling shyly to myself, and she looked at me strangely.

"Woah, did the breakfast really help that much?" Mina asked, getting giddy.

"Well it helped a little," I replied, "It was mostly him talking to Kirishima I guess. And he likes me a lot so...We're going to talk about dating and stuff in a little while."

"Really?! That's so great!!" she said and I shook my head, a blush across my cheeks. "What did you talk about in the classroom then?"

"I mean we talked about that a little and he said that he realizes now that it's not all that scary to let someone in your life. I mean I'd be a little scared when his mom finds out, but that's about it," I said. Mitsuki, without a doubt, would lose her mind to know that I was dating her son.

"It's crazy."

"What is?"

"Don't you think it's strange? After all these years it's finally coming together? Everything is sunshine and rainbows from here on out."

"Yeah I'm sure us getting together is going to suddenly fix the fact the person targeting me is after me because of Kacchan," I said, laughing. "That sure does sound like sunshine and rainbows to me."

"Wait woah, hold up. What?" she asked and I paused.

"Oh my God I didn't tell you yet did I?" I asked and she shook her head violently. "The police think that the person targeting me is someone that is obsessed with Kacchan and dislikes our relationship with each other."

"What?! Since when?"

"Since Friday," I replied. "I'm sorry I was caught up in this whole business, not the targeter."

"Wow, how did they even figure that out?" she asked.

"Well, they received a threat that said Kacchan was theirs and that they should back off the case. They're looking into people of our past," I replied. "Wait I wonder if Izuku will get dragged into all this mess, I didn't even think to ask."

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