Christmas Party | Chpt 101

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Hey, Merry early Christmas! Ik Hanukkah just ended yesterday so happy late Hanukkah. I'll be posting again when Kwanza starts so I'll mention it again!

Just...happy holidays!


(y/n)'s POV

"I think I did pretty good on that last final, even if it was Math," Kaminari said, handing Mina a piece of tinsel. She draped it over the tree, stood up a couple of rungs. I set candy canes on the table, hearing Sero reply from where he was holding the ladder for Mina.

"You sure it's not one of those things where you think you did good but it was actually terrible?" Sero asked and Kaminari paused, Mina taking tinsel from his hand again.

"Oh shit..." I giggled slightly at Kaminari's response, glancing to Kirishima and Bakugo returning with Christmas boxes. There were some decorations from last year that we had gotten to put in the common room for the holiday party tonight.

"This is so dumb," Kacchan grumbled, letting the box crash down on the floor. He ripped the Santa hat from his head and towards me so that I caught it. I frowned at him, his hair half smushed now. I placed the hat on my own head, approaching the pair to open up a box.

"It's just a hat," I commented, glancing at them. Kirishima opened up one of the totes, handing me a little plastic reindeer. I held it in one hand, using my free one to fix up Kacchan's hair. He stood, his head slightly ducked to let me do so. Within the past week, Kacchan had bluntly told everyone else in the class about us, so I was free to act how I pleased around everyone. I was expecting the subject to be brought up at the party later, when someone managed to separate me from him.

"Thanks," he said, gruffly and quiet enough so no one would hear him say anything. While he was clearly willing to let people know I was 'his', he was quite averse to doing anything remotely romantic around people. He had warmed up to holding me or perhaps my hand around Mina and Kirishima, but since it was still new to everyone else he was stingy. It was almost like there was no difference between them knowing and not. The closest that the initial people in on our relationship had seen us was on the rooftop. I didn't expect anything else. Kacchan was definitely nicer and almost sweet to me still, much more than he was towards anyone else.

"You're welcome," I said, setting the reindeer in a nice spot. Everyone could hear Kaminari make a whip sound as Kacchan opened up the box he had been carrying.

"You jealous?" I asked, looking towards Kaminari. Uraraka and Izuku came from the kitchen, having finished the small decorations in there. Sato was baking some stuff in there and the fridge was full of everyone's different foods. Todoroki had put actual frost on the windows, returning from the dorms.

"No," Kaminari scoffed, grinning at Uraraka who just smiled politely back.

"Okay, wait," I said, pulling a full Santa suit from the box. "Who's is this?" I held it up for the group before Mina let out a startling gasped, all of us jumping.

"Do you think Aizawa or Mic wore that?!" she called, hurrying down the ladder so quickly it made Sero flash a face of concern, gripping the ladder tightly.

"I don't know," I said, letting her take it from my hands.

"The way that NEEDS to happen," she said, running the fabric through her fingers.

"Mic would make a good elf," Uraraka said, and Mina pulled her away. They left, probably to find Aizawa and pester him to wear it. I approached the ladder, taking a few steps up to resume Mina's job. Izuku and Todoroki joined decorating down below. I took tinsel from Kaminari's hand, draping it over the tree. I felt hand grip my hips from behind me, causing me to jump slightly and crane my neck. Kacchan was holding me up with straight arms so I wouldn't fall, his face turned away from Kaminari and I.

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