His Loss | Chpt 60

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Hello. This chapter has no Bakugo, I know I'm sorry but the Kaminari content is here. Please forgive me.

Also y'all can call me Caly if you want...author Chan is alright ig but you're free to use my name.

I have a link to change.org https://www.change.org/ if you want to make an account and sign some petitions. Signing up and signing is free. They ask for donations, but like I said last???chapter They use that money for their own website not the causes you may be signing for 😊


(Y/n)'s POV

I rapped on Shinsou's door, letting out a soft breath from the brisk walk I had taken over here. It swung open immediately and I smile at him to which he half returned. I was beginning to suspect that not a lot of guys in this school really liked to smile. What was with this whole bad boy image? At least Izuku smiled fully.

"Hey, do you mind if I talk to you?" I asked. For a while, and by a while I mean this past night, I couldn't stop thinking about the video footage. Seeing as Shinsou was right up with the action, I figured I would ask him what he thought about the whole thing. Did he think I remembered all that happened? And if he did, then why was he acting so casually about it? It was no secret now that I went a tad overboard on capturing the guy.

"Yeah, sure," he said, stepping aside to let me in. As I walked past, now closer, I gained a look at him to see he was slightly sweaty. I assumed he was back form training with Aizawa. "Here, you can sit here." He pulled up his desk chair, seating himself at the edge of his bed.

"Thanks, I was wondering if you could talk about the sound villain attack with me. Considering you were there," I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"Sure, what about it? It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yeah, no it has."

"You saw the video then," he continued and I nodded.

"So you remember everything right?"

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I?" I frowned slightly, knowing that I had forgotten myself.

"Well to be perfectly honest, I don't remember anything after grabbing his ankle," I said and his eyebrows furrowed, causing him to prop one leg up to rest his chest against.


"In the video...I captured him right? I don't remember that happening. I don't even remember you coming up to help me."

"Oh...I was a little confused as to why you didn't seem to recognize me," he said, agreeing with me.

"I...tried to kill that guy?"

"What??" He asked and I leaned back in my chair slightly, a guilty look on my face. "I mean I'm sure you hurt him a little, but you definitely didn't intend to kill him, I mean come on. I tried getting the guy under my control, but you grabbed him and pinned him with water. Might've hurt, but you certainly couldn't have killed him." So he hadn't anything to do with my memory loss. Damn.


"Is that what you're worried about?"

"Well no, I'm a little more worried about the fact my mind blacked out all of that. Makes me wonder what other trauma my brain just chooses to ignore," I said, shaking my head.

"I don't know, you got hit a ton. I'm sure that was why. I mean afterwards Aizawa sensei and I were helping you to Recovery Girls and you were babbling about some crazy stuff."

"Excuse me?" I asked. He glanced over to me, realizing that he had spilled and I in fact had no idea what he was talking about. "What stuff? Did I even pass out?"

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