Better | Chpt 78

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I'm—im sorry about last chapter. I really did it to em'.


(Y/n)'s POV

"Take the time to work on your villain report," Aizawa-sensei instructed, after going through a brief lesson on mirroring tactics. I scribbled on a piece of paper, already done with my assignment. Kacchan had forced me through the whole thing before ice skating yesterday. I should be grateful, I didn't particularly feel like doing anything today.

I hadn't even looked at Kacchan yet, afraid that if I did I might say something I shouldn't. I know we were supposed to be benefiting from the space, but I honestly felt so lost in all of it. I guess that was the point, to find my way around on my own. I shouldn't have to hold his hand all the time, I could find my way by myself.

It hadn't even been a full day, but I was feeling awful and I missed Kacchan like crazy. For some reason his bed seemed far more comfortable than my own, which is what I was blaming my lack of sleep on. It was embarrassing to cry so much in front of the stuffed animal he gave me. It was like it was taunting me. Something that should've never been. I couldn't remember a time where I cried more, but knowing what I knew now about my past, I had probably cried more once before.

It was hard to believe that we had actually broken up, or rather it was a break. In Kacchan's terms, I believed that was essentially a break up. It was so strange how physically painful emotional distress was. It almost felt like my heart was growing feeble.

I clearly looked like a complete mess and I knew I had to talk to Joue soon. However, this Friday marked the license exams so she would have to wait. I watched the desk in front of me become full with someone. I glanced up at Izuku who was staring at me with great pity. He didn't even know what was going on, but he could read me easily.

"Are you okay? What's going on with you and Kacchan?" He murmured, his voice lost in the idle chatter of the classroom.

"How did you—"

"(Y/n) he's a complete mess," he said, gesturing to Kacchan's desk. I finally looked over at him to see he looked visibly upset. Lately, because of me, he had been less angry. Now he was in the most sour mood I had ever seen him in, at least in a long time. His usual sharpness was hampered, and in consequence his hair was off—almost smushed.

I felt a sense of relief rush over me, knowing I wasn't the only one so upset. He, too, probably was uncomfortable in his own skin because the atmosphere was something that made us uncomfortable. It was almost like I was allergic to his lack of presence, my skin was tight and itchy. That and my throat was always tight.

"He is," I said, turning back to Izuku. "We 'broke up' last night." I made lazy finger quotations, watching Izuku's eyes grow wide.

"What happened?"

"Apparently Mina overheard him telling Kirishima he was contemplating...breaking up with me. So she told me and I asked Kacchan and he said he was. Weirdly enough, it was because he thinks he's not good enough for me. I've told him so many times before that he is, but it seems I can't change his mind," I said. I was playing with my pencil, mumbling my words.

"Kacchan? Not good enough?"

"Yeah I know. I guess I don't understand it," I said. "I don't know what it is about me that makes him less confident."

"I don't think that's it," Izuku said. "I don't know, Mina shouldn't have told you."

"Why not?"

"That doesn't seem like her business does it?"

"Well, I don't blame her. She was just trying to help me," I said. "I don't know, he just doesn't think he's good enough for me and apparently he overheard...Momo, Jirou, Hagakure, and Uraraka talking about how we're not suited to be together."

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