Training | Chpt 18

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Hi children.


(y/n)'s POV

I didn't really talk to anyone over the weekend, both because I physically couldn't and I didn't feel like seeing or texting anyone. Ai just occasionally brought me food and I sat watching TV or working out in my room alone. I had received quite the bundle of text messages from people, the most being Mina.

Mina🌸🦝: Hey, come over? We can watch Disney movies?
Mina🌸🦝: Please?
Mina🌸🦝: I know you're upset, but come on.
Mina🌸🦝: Feel better
Mina🌸🦝: See you Monday.

There were a few from the others, like Izuku and Ururaka.

Ururaka💗: Hey! Want to hang out this weekend?
Ururaka💗: Feeling better?
Ururaka💗: Get back soon!

Izuku🥦: Hey (y/n), I know this is hard for you. I promise I understand how you feel. I know you hate to feel weak, but this doesn't make you weak! Please text me back.

Those were all the sweet messages, along with a few others from classmates.

Momo❤️: Would you like to come to the dance meeting? You don't have to if you don't want to.

Jiro💜🎵: Coming to the meeting?

Pikachu⚡️: I know what will cheer you up! A date with me! What do you say?

HotnCold🔥❄️: Hello. I noticed how upset you were leaving that Friday and I encourage you to speak with someone, via text or notebook. You may speak with me if you so choose.

Kirisunshine☀️☄️: Want to come train with me today? You're the only one who can keep up!

Froppy🐸: Come swimming with me?

Then there was the group chat. Despite the fact I was in the class group chat they all talked about me like I wasn't there. It seemed like a never ending effort to get in contact with me and I couldn't stand it. It was so difficult to deal with the whole thing and every message just made me even more embarrassed. I didn't want to show up to school as that weak girl who lost to some villain.

Kirisunshine☀️☄️: Anyone actually reach (y/n)? I asked her to train with me and she hasn't responded.

Momo❤️: She's not coming to the dance planning meeting, Jiro and I don't have anything.

Mina🌸🦝: (y/n)! Come on! We miss you!

Izuku🥦: Guys, I'd ease up a little. It must be tough to not have your voice and maybe she's just not up to it right now.

It went on like that through Saturday and Sunday. I just ignored them and headed to school those two mornings. I had been letting Recovery Girl look at the burns on my arms and heal them so they wouldn't scar. It hadn't been as bad as last time, so a visit every morning until they healed up would get rid of them completely.

I was glad she was able to get rid of them because it was getting harder and harder to look at them every day. I was glad I had long sleeves for my uniform, so I could cover them up. I yawned and placed my backpack around my shoulders. I made it past the gate with no trouble that Monday morning. A few students who had been caught up in the attack looked at me, silently thanking me for my efforts, but I didn't feel like a hero.

I stepped into class 1-A after I had visited Recovery Girl and I felt the whole room shift to look at me. I just walked to my desk, setting my bag down with a thud and seating myself in my desk. It was quiet and I felt so utterly embarrassed.

"Hey good morning," Izuku said and I glanced at his desk, then to the other students around the room. I opened my mouth, but paused, remembering that I couldn't. I just nodded towards Izuku with an uncomfortable smile. "Can I talk to you in the hall?"

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