Different to You | Chpt 55

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Hello : )


(y/n)'s POV

Mom: Good morning beautiful! Doing well, thought I would check in with you more often. Have a good Saturday Raindrop. Call me later.

I placed my phone down, glancing at Kacchan fast asleep in my bed. His left arm laid open against the pillow near his head. When I woke up, it was placed softly on my head as we slept and I had gingerly placed it aside to get up and make tea. I brushed back the hair from his forehead, kissing it lightly. I then tugged on my slippers, still tired but rested just enough to get through the day.

"Slip n slide." My head had been resting against the wall after bidding Todoroki and Izuku goodbye. I knew I was finally going to tell Kacchan, no matter what happened in consequence but now that I could finally get a little rest it would have to wait for one more evening. It was killing me to know that Kacchan knew about the whole targeting now, even worse that it involved him. I should start with that.


I thought it strange to have received a message so early from my mother. I may have been able to sleep, but only for a little while. It was nearing 5 in the morning. Then again, I didn't really have any solid memories as to whether my mother was an early riser or not. I trudged to the kitchen and placed a kettle full of water on one of the burners. I tugged down two cups as well. Had my mother struggled to sleep? Was that why she was awake so early?

"You must've heard the news, huh?" I forced a soft laugh. Kacchan made a movement towards me and I stumbled back slightly. I was feeling guilty and paranoid that perhaps this person could see us. I didn't want to get us in anymore trouble.

"It's fine. You don't have to worry about it, because it's not your fault."

"I'm s--"

"Don't even say it." Looking at him now I felt overwhelming guilt. He moved closer and I again stepped back.

"I need to talk to you. Fully."

I could hear the shrill whistle break me from my thoughts and I tugged myself upright from where I had been leaning over the counter. I could feel slight head rush slow me down from turning off the water. I was still confused as to where I was supposed to start with Kacchan. I didn't know if my news of Kirishima would cut our discussion short and I wouldn't be able to say anything else. It was alarming to consider saying those things last, knowing that it might backfire somehow.

Maybe he had some questions for me and I could start there.

"I'm really tired Kacchan." The statement was simple and he knew it. Though he didn't know why. "I can't do this now. Not when I feel like I can sleep just a little. I need it."

"Talk about what? The targeting?" he asked. The idea of needing to talk could be worrisome and it made sense why he wouldn't want to put it off. I began to wring my hands again, even though I knew he would recognize that I was nervous. He watched me carefully and for a moment I felt the shock settle over me of how different Kacchan looked to me now compared to us as kids.

He wasn't usually towering over me in an attempt to intimidate me, but he kept his respectable distance to ensure I wasn't uncomfortable. His gaze was always sharp and so were his facial features, that never changes, but the way he looked at me now was not meaning me any harm. It was looking at him like this that was so convincing of his development. It made me so happy to know so.

"That...and everything. I just need to talk to you about everything."

I finished the two cups of tea, holding them by their cool handles as I padded back to my room. Perhaps I would start with the targeting, that would most likely be the best route. It was at the forefront of both of our minds for sure.

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