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I know I'm hurting (Y/N),today she was constantly mocking me, repeating everything I said out of anger,she remembers it all.(Y/N) even invited Richy to come with us tomorrow,why?he wasn't with her when she was in trouble with Phil,I was.He wasn't with her when she needed to talk,I was,but just for something I said out of anger (Y/N) threw me out of her life?

Jake was thinking all of these,he doesn't even feel like using his computer, he's just sitting on his bed and thinking all day, it's almost evening.

Lilly is at work and Dan is probably home.Im are browsing on the almighty internet,what happened 10 years ago?trying to find any kind of clue that can lead me to the one.

After reading everything I start to suspect, who would have the most benefit if Jennifer died?No one, everyone described her as the nicest person,she didn't have a tons of money,then why?who?
"The riddle...the riddle Hannah left,I have to look at it again,what does it say?" I mumble to myself
"The forest lies still,what you see is fake,what you feel is made,see through smile,see through love, it's going to end soon, sooner than you think" this is the riddle but what does it mean?and most importantly where is Hannah?police searched everywhere but couldn't find her how?did the kidnapper took her out of Duskwood?

"YES!OF COURSE!!!" I scream.
"Oh my gosh!!!I know who it is,I know who kidnapped Hannah and who killed Jennifer and I know where is Hannah?!! it's all explained in the riddle!!!"

Jake's view-
I can hear (Y/N) screaming,no one is home, what's going on?
Jake immediately goes to (Y/N)'s room and watches her literally jumping on the floor.

I see Jake standing beside the door so I stop jumping and stand still, trying to make a serious face.

"What are you doing?" Jake asks.
"Nothing,I was just... working." I say looking around.
"Oh yeah, working?or working out?" He asks.
I hardly stop myself from laughing and say,"Haha very funny,not!" I repeat,"I'm trying to find Hannah,do my job and get out of here."
Jake comes enters the room and walks towards me
"Really?did you find anything?!" He asks
"Why would I tell you?and even if I did would you believe me,the last time I checked you don't trust me anymore right?" I look at him with a question face.
(Jake takes a long breath)
"I love my sister,and want to find her.And it's your job to do that right?"

Wow okay,now I'm offended, he's literally questioning my worth!
"DO YOU KNOW WHAT?!!!I'm going to find Hannah,not because she's your sister because it's my job to find her." I yell at him low key.
Repeat again,"And right now I'm going to Roger's garage because Richy and I need to discuss something so see you later Mr."I say and I get my purse and head to the door of the room to get out.

As I step further,Jake takes my hand and holds me against the wall.
He comes close to me,so close that I could feel his breath on my face,My heart starts to race like crazy.
"Oh no, it's happening again" I whisper.
"What is?" Jake asks looking at you.
I'm not going to tell you that whenever you come close to me my heart goes crazy.
I think to myself.
"Uhhh, no-nothing" you say looking at his illusiontional eyes.
"Jake?" I repeat.
"We're really close to the end,and it's probably stupid,but if something happens to me... and I don't get enough time so I need to tell you right now,I didn't mean to lie to you,to all of you." I say softly.
I hear a soft laughter.
"I really need to learn to stay angry with you" he whispers on my ear.

To be continued...❤️

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