Season-3, Episode-17

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Hannah is waking up from a deep sleep,it happens everyday,she wakes up and tries to get untied but it doesn't work and at some point the kidnapper comes and injects her sleeping medicines which makes her fall asleep,who knows how long it's been going on?
Hannah's view- My head hurts like hell,I'm getting sick more day by day I don't think I can survive any longer here,Thomas still didn't get my riddle,but Jake should why hasn't he still come here to rescue me?did he miss it?then there's no chance that anyone is going to find me here,Dan is never going to tell anyone about our mission it's too dangerous there is no other chance that someone can save me and catch her anymore but I can't accept defeat I have to keep fighting.
Hannah hears a sound, it's the sound of opening the lock of a room, someone enters and she's wearing a mask.
"Hi sweetheart" she says.
"Don't call me that!I hate you and you don't need to wear any masks in front of me I know who you are." Hannah says looking at the woman with a hateful look
"I have to say you're pretty strong, stronger than your mom"

(Y/N)'s view-
I'm ready,I took my gun which is enough for that devil,I go to the living room where Jake,Lilly and Dan are sitting on the couch.All of them are looking stressed and worried.I smile and say "Guys,we're not going to die there,we're going to save our friend,your sister!smile" they hear me and smile but it seems they are doing it forcefully.
"Ok guys let's go then" Jake says standing and everyone stands up with that.
"Wait,so Four Musketeers aren't going to do a group hug?" Dan says.
"Of course!" I say smiling at them.
We are standing making a round shape.
"All for one?" I say putting my hand out
Everyone looks me and immediately says,"One for all" and smiles and we hug each other,it was a lovely moment,Jake goes and wears his mask and Dan wears the mask of Scarecrow.Lilly went to take the car so no one sees Scarecrow and the world's most wanted hacker walking around.
"Soooo,we have Scarecrow and the Mr famous hacker" I laugh looking at them.
"Wow! you're joking right now?" Jake asks me.
"Mm-hmm" I say and my phone vibrates it's Lilly she's outside so we get in the car and Lilly asks,"We have to pick up Richy right?" She asks."No, he's not going" I say to her."Then?you said he's going to come"
"I just asked him to come so he says it to Jessy and she says it to everyone and people know we're going to the dare house"
I explain to them."Clever...but what's the benefit if everyone knows we're going there?" Dan asks,"We aren't going to the dare house are we?" Jake asks me.
"No we aren't,we are going to Hannah's apartment"
Lilly asks,"Why?!we already checked there"
"We'll see,now drive to Hannah's apartment?" I say and with that she starts to drive.
"You are so you" Jake mumbles which makes me laugh but I control it hardly.
To be continued...❤️

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