Season-3, Episode-19

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Hannah's view-
I hear a sound,this sound is really familiar.I hear it whenever mom...not mom comes here but she's already here with me then?is someone here?Did Thomas or Jake finally find me?this room is empty, nothing rather than this chair I'm tied to,I look at the door and then back at her.

View of Mrs.Donfort-Someone is definitely at the door,this can't be happening... it's impossible,No no no I won't let this happen.No one could catch me then and no one can catch me now,they won't be able to get in here.

Our view-
I've been trying to open it but it's not working,I accidentally pushed the door so if someone's inside they know that we're here.The moment I touched the door a screen appeared which asked for a password to get in but what's the password?
"What do we do?! what's the password?" Lilly asks desperately.
"I don't know,what could it be?" Dan asks looking at me.
"I-Idon't know!" I say out of nervousness and I don't why I'm so worried right now.
"When did it all start?10 years ago..." Jake says calmly.I look at him and think, he's right whatever is the password it's gotta be connected to the past.
"Her first victim... Jennifer!your mom" I say to him.
"Ok ok, let's try it." Dan say and types Jennifer,but it doesn't open.
"Why isn't it opening?"Lilly asks.
What's going on?if Jennifer isn't the password then what is?I know that Hannah's mom...Mrs.Donfort is the kidnapper but I can't tell Lilly yet,I have to show it to her but to do that I have to figure out the password.I go close to the door and type,"Jennifer Donfort" and the door starts to open.
Mrs.Donfort's view-
The door is opening!how is this possible?what do I do now?if I'm going to get caught then before that I'm going to destroy everything!
(Four Musketeers's view)-
We go in and see Hannah tied to a chair.Lilly and all of us rushes to her but immediate someone shouts at us"STAY AWAY!!!"we look at the corner of the room and see Mrs.Donfort holding a gun on her hand pointing it towards Hannah.

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