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Dan was standing there silent,so was Jake.
Jake was confused,and Dan was nervous,but surely not as much as me

"Is anyone going to say anything?" Lilly asks looking at me now.
"Yes Lilly,but I'm going to need you to calm down, please." I say to Lilly
"If you want us to calm down,then tell us what's going on (Y/N)" Finally Jake says something,but it seems like he's upset already, what's his going to do when he finds out the whole truth?
"Okay." I say and take a deep breath.

I start to explain everything to Jake and Lilly,how Hannah knew about Jennifer,how the investigation began,and that Scarecrow/the man without a or in another word Dan had nothing to do with Hannah's disappearance,and that someone else actually murdered Jennifer,Jake's mother.

"I just wish,that you trusted me enough to tell me that the Jennifer Manson,who we were  investigating about is actually your mother Jake" I say looking at Jake disappointed but do I have the right to do that?

"Wait so, Jennifer is Jake's mother?...and Hannah knew about it? about Jake?for 10 years?" Lilly asks me

(I sigh)"No...she found out about Jake just a few days ago, and tried to contact him but before they could meet up she got abducted most probably"
"Our only lead was Scarecrow,now we even lost that,we have no clue how to find Hannah anymore" Jake says disappointly looking at me and then at Lilly.

"No,Jake.We're going to find Hannah,safe and sound." I say to him
"How,so?" Asks Lilly.
I look at Dan and he looks at me
"There is one more thing I need to tell you."
"What?" Jake asks me
"Jake, Lilly, I'm an FBI agent...and I came here to find Hannah..." I say stuttering,I almost changed my mind about it but no I can't hide it anymore.
"Huh?" Lilly says without even realizing.
Jake is staring at me, he's shocked,his eyes are getting red and his face seems expressionless
Jake never looked at me like that before,I don't understand if he's angry,sad,or what?but I could feel his heart tearing apart but that's the truth and if I lie now I have to lie forever and I can't do lie to him anymore.

To be continued...❤️

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