Seasons-3, Episode-8

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Season-3, Episode-8

Lilly's view-
I let Jake stay at my place, he's my brother,and I have responsibilities for him,I almost ruined his life but now I have to help him.
(Lilly enters Jake's room)
He is sitting down in front of his laptop typing something
"Hey..." Lilly says softly.
"Hi Lilly." Jake says looking at her and then back at his laptop
"Did you not sleep last night?"She asks Jake.
"No,I couldn't sleep, whenever I closed my eyes I just saw (Y/N) asking for help..."He said looking terrified.
"I'm sorry...if she was here she would want you not to worry."
"Yeah she wouldn't." Jake sighs.
"Anyway,Any leads?"Lilly asks sitting beside him
"Actually,I'm trying to track her phone and I'm pretty close!"Jake says excited.

(Lilly's phone vibrates)
"Jake?...."Lilly says looking at her phone.
"Yeah?"Jake replies
"It's (Y/N)!!! She's calling me!"Lilly shows her phone to Jake.
He exclaims with fear and happiness both
"Receive the call and turn on the speaker,it might be the kidnapper too!" He says.
Lilly receives the call.
"Hello?" A voice comes from the other side and it didn't take a second for Jake to understand that it was (Y/N)
"(Y/N)!!!are you ok?where are you?did he hurt you?tell us where you are,we'll come and get you ok?"Jake says worried.
"Jake? you're there with Lilly?Hey I'm ok, don't worry about me..." I ask him.
" What's going on (Y/N)??where are you?"Lilly asks me,but should I say?that I've been lying?and Dan is the faceless man?
"I need to tell you something."I say stuttering.
"Go on!what is it?"Jake sounds worried.
"I'll be there at Lilly's apartment in the evening today,I'll explain everything to you don't worry."I say and I know they have so many questions but I can't answer them right now.
"The man without a face let you go?"Jake asks
"Yes, It's a long story I'm going to tell you when we meet."I say,if I keep talking they are going to keep asking questions so I hung up the call.
(Y/N)'s view- Jake and Lilly are working together,I'm so happy that they're finally interacting with each other,I hope when I find Hannah they are going to get along Amazing,but first I have to tell them everything,this was probably the last conversation of us talking with love and affection,after I tell them the truth it's going to be tragedy but not for long I promise.

To be continued...❤️

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