Season-2, Episode-2

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(Jake stares at you)
(Y/N):What??why are you staring at me like that?!
Jake: It's just one yelled at me like that before
(Y/N):I know I can't see your face but I can feel you smiling after I just yelled at you.
Jake:How do you know me so well (Y/N)?
(Y/N):Some people are just meant to know each other well Jake.
(You hear your phone ringing, it's Lilly)
You pick up the phone.
Lilly:(Y/N)!!Where are you??are you fine?
(Y/N):Uh,yes,yes Lil I'm fine I'll be back in a minute, don't worry.
With that you hang up the phone.
(Y/N):I...I think I should go,Lilly and everyone else is probably worrying about me.
(You try to go out but something stops you,that something is Jake's voice)
(Y/N): (you look behind) Yes?
Jake: Forgive me for this
(Y/N):For what?
Jake slowly comes towards you and stands in front,"For this" he whispers in your ear and before you could say something Jake kisses you.
It wasn't even a real kiss but it was so beautiful and calming that the kiss made you forget all the troubles you had in your life.
(You kept staring at Jake,but he smiled softly and started to walk away from you)

You just watch him vanish, leaving you there alone,why does this has to happen?why can't he just stay?
"No,I can't act like a child right now,I'm here to help not cause trouble UGH stupid me!!!"

To be continued...❤️

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