Season-4 Episode-1

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Guysss!!!a lot of you wanted the continuation sooo here it is❤️do like and comment,it inspires me to go on😊

Season-5, Episode-1

It's been 1 whole month.
1 month without (Y/N) and Jake, without their smile and positiveness, without their love and affection but no one's life stops for anyone,it keeps going on and it was the same for Duskwood too, one even cared.
Thomas's view-
I'm so glad she's fine,I'm glad that my Hannah's ok,I thought I lost her but (Y/N) and Jake saved her which cost them their life...but was it worth it? She's been so different,and distant from all of us after she got it just because she got traumatized because of her brother's death or there's something else?
Thomas is having different kind of thoughts about Hannah, shouldn't she be upset because two people died saving her?but she isn't.. the other day she was smirking when Lilly was saying how much she misses (Y/N)...that's not normal,me and Lilly both were shocked by her behavior but when she noticed it,her attitude changed completely,she got sad and even cried.

Richy and Jessy is in Roger's garage,today there aren't many customers. So Richy goes to Jessy and sees her sitting down at the counter bar and sobbing... he knows that she's still not over (Y/N)'s death so he goes and comforts Jessy.
"Hey... it's ok,if she was here...she wouldn't want you to cry ok sweetie?" I say and hug Jessy,but little do I know it's not going to help,(Y/N) became like family and her death... it's not acceptable,Im showing that I'm ok but deep down I'm not.

Lilly's view-
Finally meeting Dan after a whole is very special. He told me to wait for him in front of the forest, I've been waiting for 5 minutes but he's not here yet.
"Lilly?" I hear someone says from behind. I turn around, it's Dan. I hug him.
"Are you ready?" He asks me.
"Yes" I reply and we go into the forest,we keep walking and then we see the arrow sign so we walk towards where it's pointing at.
After walking for 15 minutes,we finally reach there.It's a farmhouse type of house. we go in front of the house and knock 3 times.
A screen appears which says," Type code" and a keyboard.
I type,"Four Musketeers" and the door opens,I smile at Dan.
We go in and the door automatically closes down, it's a big house,tidy,warm. No one can imagine a house like this here.
"Hey Lil!" I hear someone saying from behind, it's been awhile since I've heard this voice...

To be continued...❤️

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