Season-3, Episode-29

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.....Few days later....
Hannah is in hospital,she was weak because no food was given to her while she was abducted,and she was injured.Thomas and Cleo was always there with her,Jessy and Lilly couldn't be there a lot because they are shocked because of the death of (Y/N) and Jake.They killed them and the bodies were unrecognizable,yeah it was that bad.Richy helped them through all this time.He misses (Y/N) too,but he has to be strong.
Today is Hannah's's releasing date from the hospital.Thomas and Cleo are going to take her to Lilly's apartment and the others are going to meet her there.Hannah knows about (Y/N) and Jake,She cried like crazy on Lilly's shoulder but she couldn't do anything to change what happened.
It's afternoon,Lilly is checking her photos with (Y/N),while standing in the balcony.(Y/N) had became like a sister to her.
Suddenly she hears a bell and she already knows who is it, it's Hannah.
She runs towards the door and opens and sees Hannah,Thomas and Cleo.Lilly throws herself at Hannah and hugs her.
"Come in!" She says and everyone comes in.
"What can I get you?tea? coffee?soup?what do you want?" Lilly asks Hannah.
"I would like some coffee please." Hannah says.
"Ok I'll be right back."
Lilly goes to make some coffee,Thomas and Cleo is sitting down on the couch.
"Guys,stay here I'll be right back" Hannah says and goes to the balcony to get some fresh air and she sees a picture of (Y/N) and Lilly's in Lilly's phone.
She picks up the phone then looks at it and smile."I'm so sorry (Y/N)...I had no other options other than kill you two,you knew the secret that you shouldn't have known.You knew that Jennifer is mine, Lilly's and Jake's real mother,and Jake is our real brother.I won't let anything hurt the reputation of my dad, I can kill thousands to protect this secret,That's why I informed Jake saying you're in danger because I knew that if they get him, they'll kill both of you and I won't have to do anything,and yes again,your were right about me. I influenced my mom to kill Jennifer with the help of Dr.Barret so she wouldn't be able to black-mail my dad but in the end mom figured out everything.But I managed it up....You knew everything and tried to show you didn't but I can see through love and smile....just like I've been saying from the beginning.
Now the only person I have to worry about is Scarecrow...."
"Who are you talking to?" Lilly says from behind.
" one just you look cute in this picture sweetheart."
"Thanks...I miss (Y/N)...a lot."
"Me too."
I know you feel like the evil have won but don't worry, one day (Y/N) and Jake will return and that day there will be no mercy.
You must be thinking how can they return since they're dead? it again.

The end.

A little explanation
It's an open ending.
So here,We see that Hannah is the mastermind, Everyone thought that she was the victim but in real it's the opposite. But now if you read it carefully,MC and Jake's body was unrecognizable so there is a chance that it's not their body at all?so maybe they aren't dead?Since (Y/N) knew about Hannah,what if the team had it all planned out?and it is possible that Jake and MC are live,just like I said "Read it again" If you do you'll notice that their body was unrecognizable.
In the other hand maybe they are actually dead?so you have to work on your imagination and imagine the ending on your own.❤️

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