Season 3, Episode 24

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I stand there for a second thinking why is this happening? finally everything was fine but in a blink everything went dark,but I can't give up yet,I still have to do my job.I have to protect Lilly and Hannah at any cost.I turn around and see Hannah tied up with the chair and Lilly standing beside her.Mrs.Donfort is unconscious on the floor.
I can hear footsteps,I hope Jake and Dan could escape.I take a long breath and go towards Mrs.Donfort.I hear the footsteps behind me,"Hands on the air!we are all around you,you can't escape" I hear someone saying.
I stare at Lilly she's literally shaking out of fear and worries,I slowly turn around with my hands up.
"Officer (Y/N)?"
"Yeah,I was sent to investigate on this case I found Hannah Donfort here on her own house,her...own mother is her kidnapper who is currently there" I get my hands down and point towards Mrs.Donfort.
An officer goes and ties her with handcuffs and takes her.
"Good job officer" he repeats,"You did a terrific job finding Ms.Donfort,so we decided to give you a harder job,and if you do it you'll get a double promotion" says the officer looking at me.
"Hm... interesting,who do I have to find now?"
I ask him."Find?no... more like hunt down"
Ugh why is this guy always like this?I mumble to myself.
"Can you please make it clear?" I say to him
"You have to find and kill the world's most wanted hacker." He says and I feel adrenaline floods my system, It pumps and beats like it's trying to escape. I think my heart will explode gaze going through all my veins,but the worst is yet to come.
"Jake is his name, I'll send you more information soon"
I keep looking at him,I don't what to say or what to do.
"What if I can't?" I ask without even knowing.
The officer looks at me with his narrow eyes and asks me,"Oh can't do that can you? because you love him right?"
No....wait,w-what?how does he know?did they spy on me all these time?

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