Season-2 Episode-11

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I'm going to Bar Aurora this evening,I have to get prepared,but the worst part is that I don't even know what I'm getting prepared for?but it's ok, I'll find out,after all I learned from the best.
You go to get ready,you wear a white top and black jeans and do a little make-up just because you're investigating that doesn't mean you can't do makeups

You get out of your room and watch Lilly sitting and smiling on her phone.
(Y/N):Mmhm... what's up?
Lilly:Dan is hilarious (she says giggling)
(Y/N):What did he do?
Lilly:He keeps sending me these memes of crows punching duskwood and stuffs
(Y/N):He really is hilarious (you laugh)by the way,I'm going to Bar Aurora.
Lilly:Now?you said you need my help
(Y/N):Yes I do,if I don't get back by an hour or two come look for me ok?and don't come alone!
Lilly:Ok, please be care (Y/N).
(Y/N):I will.(You smile)

You leave the apartment,you're on your way.

The sky looks so pretty today, it's evening,one side is blue and one is kind of orange and in the middle they meet each other,the streets are pretty empty, probably because everyone thinks a kidnapper is on the run so they either return home quick or just stay in.This beautiful sky makes you think of Jake,you wish Jake was there with you,you could watch the sunset together,but it's not possible.Sometimes all someone needs is to walk by someone special.

It was pretty quite until you reached Bar Aurora,you can hear the loud music from outside,you take a deep breath and go in.

To be continued...❤️

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