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Season-4, Episodes-14

I asked everyone to come here,I have something to tell them, Lilly,Dan and Jake.
I know that what's happening has been difficult for all of us,but Hannah's life comes first now, it's been months and we're doing everything but search for her properly.

Lilly and Dan came in and started to talk to each other,and Jake came afterwards,I look at Jake and catch him staring at me too

"Umm...I'm sorry if you guys were working but it's really important for me" I say looking at all of them.
"It's ok (Y/N),is everything alright?" Lilly asked.
"Did you get any threat calls or texts?I didn't do anything I swear!!!" Says Dan rapidly.
"No no,I actually wanted to tell you that I'm going to the dare house tomorrow,to look for Hannah."
"Are you crazy?!!no way Riddle Solver,I'm not going to let you do that,you have no idea how dangerous it is,and-and...who lives there,we have completely no clue." Dan says now becoming serious
"Dan is right (Y/N)!this isn't safe" Lilly says after him
"I have a gun, I'll be fine,and like Jake said it's my daily job.Right Jake?" I say and look at him

He's just looking at me but he doesn't say a single word.
"Fine,if you're going so are we!" Lilly says.
"I agree with Lilly." Dan repeats.
"Why are you guys so stubborn?!but ok,I actually already asked Richy to come with me,also I talked to Jessy and everyone in the group too.
I look at Jake quickly and I can sense his jealousy,this guy....
"Why Richy though?" Lilly asked curioused
"He was the one who told me about the dare house,and he went there a couple of times so I thought it would be helpful." I say to Lilly
"I'm not going to sit back here and watch all of you go into danger,I'm going with you too" finally Jake says something.
"Alright, tomorrow it is but when?" Dan asks.
"I think, morning is the best time to go there, it's going to be less risky" Jake says looking at Dan and Lilly.
"Ok,if you two agree I have no problems, I work with the government, I'll manage it up." I mock Jake again.
"Ooof,you two" Dan rolls his eyes
"DAN!!!!!" Lilly whispers in his ear but I could clearly hear it.
"Ok so what do we call our team?" Dan asks.
He repeats,"What about...Four Musketeers?"
"Haha sounds cool,Four Musketeers it is!" I say smiling.

To be continued...❤️

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