Season-3 Episode-18

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Hannah looks at the woman infuriated.
"You aren't going to get away with this,one day someone is going to get you,and that day isn't far away" Hannah says and she feels tears rolling down her face.
The woman walks towards Hannah and stands close to her and she takes off her mask and says,"This is not a good way to talk to the person who grew you up hun,I'm your mommy,do you wanna be grounded?" Asks the woman.
How was Hannah supposed to know that the person she loved,the person who grew her up is also the woman who killed her,Lilly and Jake's real mother Jennifer?and acted that she actually cared about her and Lilly? she's such a good actress,she faked all the feelings,all the love.
"Please leave me alone" Hannah says quietly.
"So what? someone comes and saves you?that won't be happening,no one searches the missing person on her own house"

We just arrived on Hannah's apartment,we get down the car and wait a little until there's no one on the street,then we silently enter Hannah's apartment.
"Why are we here (Y/N)?" Lilly asks me.
"Hannah is here somewhere!we just have to find out where" I say looking at her.
"How do you know that?" Dan asks.
"Because what we see is fake... remember the riddle?"everything we have seen so far is fake and made,we searched everywhere but Hannah wasn't found because no one searched her own house thinking she's not here" I explain to them as silently as I could.
"So split up and see anything unusual call for help, don't go anywhere alone" Jake says looking around.
We all split up.
Jake's view-
No one can understand (Y/N) she says something and does the opposite, everything seems fine here, couches and TV on the drawing room a table in between and pictures.

Lilly's view-
I've gone through this rooms millions of time I know we won't find Hannah here,(Y/N) is right, everywhere was searched then where is my sister?

I'm entering Hannah's room, she's really into pictures, it's all around the room,her alone and with Lilly,Cleo and Thomas of course.
But weird...There is picture of the Raven on her bedroom,why is that? probably because she likes them?but it means bad luck.
I go towards that pic and I don't know why something made me place my hands on it and suddenly I hear a weird sound,I immediately step 3 steps backwards.I see Jake,Dan and Lilly running towards me.
We all look at the long corridor in front of us.
"Holy sh**t" Lilly says.
"Mm-hmm....I told you,what we see is fake and made" I say to her.
"So we go in?" Dan asks.
"Yeah,we go in,one for all remember?" I say to him.
Jake takes my hand and we enter the corridor and leave the door open.
We keep walking and walking until we see something,I run towards it and I see a big metal door,is this it?did I really solve the mystery?

To be continued...❤️

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