Season-2 Episode-21

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I'm walking to the motel and there is thousands of questions on my head,why would Hannah leave a puzzle like that behind?it makes no sense,if she did then for who?And if she knew she was in danger why didn't she contact her friends or family?was the danger from one of them?the most important question is if this is a puzzle of her then who was it for??Jake?I have to ask him he's gotta know something about this.

Jake's view:
Lilly and (Y/N)'s idea really worked,the FBI, government,they are nowhere near me,seems like they are completely lost and giving up,I don't know how but it worked so well,now finally I can concentrate on finding Hannah,with (Y/N)'s help I'll be able to find her soon.

(Y/N)'s view-

When I arrive at the motel,I see Lilly working on the counter.

"Hey!!!!" I say waving from a few feets away from her.
"Heyyy"she says when she notices me
I walk towards her and ask,"How's work?"
"Boring but ok."
I sit on a couch that was there for customers and sometimes were talking to Lilly,and texting with Richy and Jessy.

Whatever I was doing, Hannah's puzzle was always on my mind,I just couldn't get it out.

I see a woman came talked to Lily and it felt like I know the woman, I've seen her somewhere just don't remember where,she hugged Lily,and was crying and then just got out of the motel,who was the woman?where did I see her?

"Hey I'm done for today, let's go?" Lily says coming to me.
"Yes sure,who was that lady by the way?" I ask looking at her,she gets a bit upset it seemed like and said,"My mom, she was here to make sure I'm ok,after Hannah's disappearance mom comes here once a day to make sure I'm fine"
I feel so sorry for her,it must be so hard for a mother to be separate from her child.
I say," I'm sorry to hear that..." I don't know how long it's going to take me to find Hannah.
"Hey... So,today me,Jessy and Cleo prepared a surprise for you let's go." Lily says smiling.
"You're right,let's go" we walk out of the motel

We were walking on the was evening,but the roads were quite.

"Does people of Duskwood sleep at 8PM?" I ask Lily jokingly.
"(She laughs)No,not that,after Hannah's kidnapping everyone is just scared."
"Oh..yes I understand."I throw a rock on the street
The rock lands on a shadow,but it vanishes in a blink of an eye, someone is following us but why and the most important question is Who??

To be continued...❤️

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