Season-2 Episode-22

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Season-2, Episode-22
That's not a good sign,am I hallucinating?or someone really is following us,Lilly is with me,what do I do now?I can't even bring out my gun because if I do she's going to ask thousands of questions and I can't tell her the truth yet.

"Lilly..I think we're being followed."I say almost whispering.
"Really?I haven't noticed anything yet." She says looking around a little.
"Look to your left, there's a shadow." I say  pointing my finger at it so she could understand but I made sure whoever is following us don't understand that we know.
"Oh my...yes!I see it" Lily says to me scared and nervous all together.
"Calm down,we have to figure out who this is, let's turn around at the same time ok?"I say from a little distance from Lily so the follower don't understand we're talking to each other.
Me and Lily start walking and after walking for a minute we both turn around.

I can't believe what I'm seeing, it's Scarecrow... he's been following us this entire time?? I've been trying to find him for such a long time and he's here following me? great,but I can't do anything because Lily is with me,I can't let out the truth about me yet.

"So, it's you!why are you following us??
"I have to admit you're wiser than I thought."he says in a harsh voice
"Oh,You don't know anything about me."I say in a cold voice
"Where is my sister???!what have you done to her?" Lily exclaims in anger.
"I know you're secret (Y/N),the secret you have hidden from everyone,even from your little boyfriend Jake" Scarecrow says looking directly towards me.
"What are you talking about??what secret?"Lily asks staring at him and back at me
"It's nothing Lily, don't trust him! he's trying to manipulate you"
"Alright, enough small talk for now." He says and starts to come towards Lily and me
"Stop!"Lily shouts but I don't say anything.
I need to know what's his intention and to do that I have to do what he wants me to do.

(Scarecrow doesn't listen to Lily and keep coming further)
Scarecrow stops her and brings out a gun from nowhere and helds it on her head.

"If you don't come with me she dies,you can't save Hannah maybe but you can save Lilly."he says holding the gun on her head,She starts to shake with fear and I could see how terrified she is.
"Don't you even dare!!!" I say threatening him
"So,are you coming or not?" He asks looking at me.
"No,(Y/N) don't go with him, please!" Lily requests me,but there's no other options and this is the best chance for me
"Yes, listen to Lily" He says and gives out a malicious laugh.
(He loads the gun)
"NO, STOP!!!fine I'll go with you!let Lily go."I say out of nervousness,I know I can't find Hannah right now but I can save Lily,I know Jake and Lily will manage to find me if I can't get out of there on my own.
Scarecrow:Good girl.
(In a blink he pulls you towards him and hit your head,then you get senseless)

Lilly's view:The man without a face took (Y/N),what do I do now??he took her in the forest,that means she's gone just like Hannah.

To be continued...❤️

This was the last episode of this season hope you enjoyed it!!!season 4 is coming today or tomorrow too❤️❤️

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