Season-3 Episode-12

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Season-3, Episode-12

It's all feeling like a nightmare now, it's been a while I'm trying to find Hannah,and whenever I think im close something happens, something terrible, Until today it felt like I made a great bonding with 6 of my friends, with Jake but now when the person who I care about the most doesn't trust me,it's all fading away.

Lilly's coming towards me,and I see her staring at but she's not saying anything.

"I know,I know you hate me too now Lilly,and I understand why,I lied to you,your brother.About everything."I say to her.
Her reply surprises me,"I don't hate you (Y/N),ok?I don't."she says.
"Really?" I say to her.
"Yes Riddle Solver,we don't hate you,you were just doing your job" Dan says from beside me.
"Dan is right,Jake is just worried and scared right now, that's why he's saying these,and I know that you're not trying to hurt us,I trust you,we all do." Lilly says hugging me and Dan joins too

"You are the one that who's always inspiring us but today we're saying that, don't give up."
Lilly says.

"You're right,I'm going to find Hannah and figure out who killed Jennifer,and not just because you are my friends, because this is my job.Jake is right...this is what I do everyday and this is what im supposed to be doing" I say looking at them.

"This is the (Y/N) we were missing." (she smiles)
"I'm so sorry,for everything I've done to  you,I'm sorry for the threat calls,I'm sorry for the raven sign at Richy's garage,for the attack on Jessy,all the sorry.I've only done it to keep you two safe,to scare you so you back off."

"Dan...I don't know how to feel about that,I understand that you did it to keep us safe but attacking Jessy,the raven sign,and threatening like made it even hard for us." Lilly says staring at Dan.

"Guys,we all do somethings that doesn't make any sense,but if we keep thinking about the mistakes we made in the past and stay focused on that,we are going to make more mistakes,and right now we can't afford that." I say to them
"You're right,past is past,no more talks about that,Deal?" Lilly says smiling waiting for an answer
"Deal" I reply.
"Deal." Dan nods his head.

To be continued...❤️

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