Season 3, Episode 25

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I look at the officer really confused and shocked at the same time,I don't know what to say at this point because if I say something stupid,my and Jake both's life will be in risk.
"What are you talking about officer?I don't understand." I ask him.
"Really?you don't know who's Jake?and also you have no feelings towards him?" He asks me back and smirks.
"No, of course not!who is Jake?I was here to find Hannah Donfort remember?" I say to him but I know that he's gotta have some kind of proof if he's talking with so my confidence.
"Ok, you've been in here for awhile that's why maybe you forgot one thing which is...." He stops.
"Can you please clear it up at once and not stop this often?" I say to him angrily and then take a deep breath.
I have to be patient.
"So,which is Lilly Donfort's youtube video remember?where she talked about you and Jake" he repeats, "We figured out that this Jake is none other than the hacker we've been looking for." He says.
How could I forget that video so easi???!!!I did forgive Lilly,I know she did it because she was scared but it's extremely careless of me
too forget about this! (I mumble to myself)
No,I have to pull myself together.
"But why are you saying I love him? he's a hacker, I'm an doesn't make any sense"
"We surely knew you were working together,and suddenly all of the information and evidence were gone from our files of Mr.Jake, Would you risk so much for a person you don't even know?" He asks me.
I keep thinking about it and he's right,what have I done?well at least Jake's away from here.
"Also, don't dare to say it wasn't you because in our department only your hacking skills are that good" he repeats.
Now I have nothing else to do except for give you the punishment you deserve for betraying us like that.
There is no point of saying anything anymore and I know these people well,they won't even listen.
"Ok, let's go to the point.What's the punishment?" I ask him.
He looks at me and says,"Death"

To be continued...❤️

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