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Season-3, Episode-2

"Just because I'm trying to find Hannah doesn't make me an FBI agent."

(You hear a laugh coming out of him)
Scarecrow: Really?nice try.
"I don't don't know what you're talking about"I say a little stuttering.
"Ok, let me show you something,Ri... Detective."

I stare at him suspiciously, afraid what he's going to show me
"Here we go"
(Y/N)'s view-
Oh did he find my pictures?I made sure I removed everything,even Jake couldn't find it,what do I do now?what if he tells Jake? he's never going to trust me,Hell!!! he's going to hate me,I HAVE to do something.

Scarecrow says,"Do you still need anything else?"
" Fine!I am an FBI agent,You know who I am,but how??!"
"Hmm" he seemed relieved
"Answer me!How did you find out?"
"Your techniques,How you solve a riddle,how you observe everything,just like a detective,but it took me awhile to figure it out,you removed your photos and identity from your part and FBI but ever thought about your co-workers?
(Y/N):Damn!You're smarter than I you're a hacker too?
"You can say that also thank you for the compliment.
"If you tell Jake anything about this,you're going to regret."I say because if he finds out he's going to start hating me and I can't let that happen.
"I haven't but I will have to if you don't listen to me." He says looking at me.
"I will listen to you but before another word you say,you have to tell me who ARE YOU?!"I ask him
"Fair enough." Scarecrow sighs
(He slowly moves his hand towards his mask,you feel excitement and fear both inside you getting at extreme)

What I see shocks me, it's like time has stopped,I never imagined this person could be the man without a face/scarecrow among so many people,this person but all starts to make sense slowly.

"How did I ever not think about it?!!!you are scarecrow?!"

"Hi Riddle Solver"

To be continued...❤️

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