Season-1, Episode-10

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Season-1, Episode-10

Jake's view-I just entered Bar Aurora,the place is bigger than I thought,I have to make sure no knows notices me,where are they?
(Jake starts to go in the bar and someone catches his attention,a girl who's wearing a black top and blue jeans,he realizes who it is.It's (Y/N),but really how can someone be so beautiful,she is so joyful, always smiling while talking,she has a smile that can take anyone's breath away,(Y/N) is just perfect.
(Jake was hiding behind a wall but suddenly someone pushes him from behind,it was probably a waiter rushing to deliver the ordered)
Everyone looks at Jake for a second and then goes back to their works except (Y/N) she is still staring at him.
(Y/N)'s view:
That guy... he's wearing a black hoodie.. reminds me of someone,(Y/N) thinks about all the time she and Jake have flirted,she smiles unknowingly.Jake is looking at her too but then he thinks that she can't know so he looks away right away.
Lilly:(Y/N)???Who are you looking at?
(Y/N):Uhh.. what?no one,I was just um.. thinking about something.
Richy:Or someone?!
Jessy:Stop it Richy.
(Y/N):Haha,you guys are unstoppable,I'm going to be right back alright?
Dan:Where are you going?
Cleo:Yes,You shouldn't be alone at this time,a murderer is roaming around probably.
(Y/N):I'm going to be ok,I'm just going to the washroom guys,chill.(you smile and walk away)

(Y/N)'s view:Why did I get out of there?why is Jake always on my mind?!why am I seeing him freaking EVERYWHERE?!!!Even here but it's impossible he's in Bar Aurora,or even in Duskwood,then why?I want to forget Jake,just like he doesn't remember me.

(You were looking at a mirror and talking to yourself and you almost cried)
This is all so unfair.

To be continued...❤️

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