Season-2 Episode-20

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Season-2, Episode-20

I'm getting ready to go with Lilly,I was doing my hair and that's when I get a call, it's from Thomas,so I pick it up.
Thomas:Hey am I interrupting anything?
"No, what's up?" I said,I haven't talked to Thomas in awhile.
Thomas:Can we please urgently meet (Y/N)?
Why does he want to meet all of a sudden?
"Is everything alright??" I ask him
Thomas:Yeah,just really need to talk to you.
"Oh okay,sure."
Thomas:Ok, rainbow cafe at 11AM
(Y/N): Alright, I'll be there.
(You hung up the call)
"I hope everything is ok, because I don't know if I can take care of anything else if something happens, what's going on is already so much for me,I really need to take steps faster"
(Lilly enters)
"Ready?" She says looking at me.
"Yes,but Thomas called and he wants to meet me at 11AM and it's 10:33 already."I say to her.
"Ok,what about I leave now,you go meet him and then come to the motel?" She suggests me and there's no other way than that.
"That sounds perfect!" I say smiling.
You and Lilly get out the apartment together,you go to Rainbow Cafe and see Thomas sitting on a corner.

"Hey!" I say waving at him
"Hey (Y/N),Please sit down." He greets me with a smile
I say,"Thanks"
"I ordered a cappuccino for you, it's really good here."he says looking around a bit.
"Oh,Thank you so much,I really appreciate that."
Thomas: You're welcome
For sometimes we both keep quiet,then I decided to break the silence.
"You said you wanted to talk about something?" I ask Thomas.He stares at me kind of confused and then says,
"Yes, about Hannah.I know you're trying you're best,and everyone has their own clues and leads but me,I'm left alone,I really miss her (Y/N)...." He says putting his hand against his forehead.
"I understand that Thomas,We are going to find Hannah,soon I promise."I say
"There's something you need to know about."
He says and looks at me serious.

"On the day she disappeared she randomly said something,"

"The forest lies still,what you see is fake,what you feel is made,see through smiles,see through love, because it's going to end soon, sooner than you think"
That sounded like a puzzle to me.
"Then I didn't understand but now I know it means something,it may lead us to Hannah (Y/N),I know I should have told you before but I was confused whether I should tell you or not."
"I will definitely try to understand what it means,thank you for telling me."
"You're welcome,please find Hannah,I... can't live without her,you know what makes it even more hard? seeing her father,Lily and her mother suffer.Specially her mother.
"I'm really sorry to hear that,just have a little bit more faith in me,I promise that I'm going to find her as soon as I possible."I say to Thomas and get up say thank you and leave.

Why did Hannah say that?why was Hannah against love? against affection,all of a sudden what happened that she got so upset and depressed? And most importantly,What could the puzzle mean?did Hannah know she was going to get kidnapped,if she did then why didn't she get to somewhere safe or do anything about it?"

To be continued...❤️

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