Season-1, Episode-4

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Season-1, Episode-4

"Leave me!" You say angrily.
Someone helds you against the wall you still can't see his face.
"Calm down (Phill leaves your hand and stands in front of you) wait... I know that face, Duskwood's celebrity is in my bar and I didn't even know?!
(Y/N):Oh Phill...yeah I just got here a bit ago
Phill:I'm glad you accepted my invitation sweetie.
(Y/N):Well, Actually I was here to do something else so
Phill:And what is that?
(Y/N): It's not important, forget it.
Phill: Probably for the best,You know...Y/N.. You're way prettier than I ever imagined(Phill comes close to you)
Phill:Since you're here,why don't we hang out a bit?I'm going to get off work soon.(He says running his hand over through cheeks,and comes even closer to you,he was about to kiss you and suddenly you hear a sound)
It's Lilly calling,so you immediately pick up the call.
Lilly:Im so sorry!!I'm late,are you ok???
(Y/N):Yes,I am, I'm on my way don't worry.I'll explain everything when I get back.
Phill: What's up sweetie?
(Y/N):I'm so sorry I have to go, I'll talk to you later Phill.
(You get out of there walking,so glad that you pressed the code emoji when Phill pulled your hands otherwise something terrible was going to happen)
It's pretty late at night, you're walking to Lilly's place.
(Y/N)'s view:What was I thinking about today?What if Phill actually kissed me?how was I supposed to tell Jake about that?he would think I'm such an evil person and he would hate me!I'm so sorry Jake, please forgive me.(you feel tears coming through you eyes)I'm so lost,how am I going to find Hannah?I have no clue right now,I'm just running in blind,what do I do now? what's going to be my next step?

To be continued...❤️

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