Season 3,Episode-23

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"WHAT?!!!what if they come and see Jake and Dan,to them they are criminals!and if they see you with them and us and figure out that you deleted the files with Jake's information it would mean you betrayed them!" Lilly says worried and almost crying.
"Oh that's so sad dear,but they are almost coming,I texted them the address already." Mrs.Donfort says and Lilly looks at her with a hateful look.
I go towards her and slap on her face as hard as I could."I'm sorry I know it's your mom but I had to do that" I say to Hannah and Lilly."That's not the biggest thing to worry about right now" Hannah says to me.
"What do we do now?" Lilly asks.
Jake looks at me and I look at him.He comes towards me and stands close."(Y/N)...I told you,we can't have a happy ending,I told you that it's dangerous.I have to give myself to protect protect all of you."
"NO!!!I'm not going to let anything happen to you ok? it's going to be alright"I say almost crying.
I can't give up now.
We hear sirens outside, they're here.
"Oh no,(Y/N)!!!do something... please" Lilly says to me.
"Ok ok guys listen to me" Jake says.
"No, listen to me.Hannah go sit in the chair,Lilly tie her up,Jake and Dan get out of here"
"Tie her up?why?..." Lilly asks."Stop asking questions!" Hannah yells at Lilly and Hannah walks up to the chair.
"Jake go!trust me I'll manage it here,and I'll be alright I promise!!!if you don't go now it's going to be too late, please think about Hannah and Lilly at least!"I say to him.
Jake keeps looking at my eyes,and he comes closer,"I can't..."
The siren gets really closer to us,I can now hear it more clear.
I push Jake to Dan "Go, I'll be fine" I smile.
Dan takes Jake and run towards the exit door,Jake keeps looking backwards but at one point he disappears in the dark,but at least he's safe.

To be continued...❤️

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