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Season-1, Episode-8

Maybe I'll find something on Hannah's clouds.
(But just when you open your open you get a call, it's Dan,you receive the phone call)

Dan:Hello,miss riddle solver
(Y/N): Haha,hey Dan.
Dan:You know it's almost evening, everyone is at Bar Aurora already,we are waiting for you and Lilly.
(Y/N):Ohh,I didn't even notice it's evening already!We'll be there in a bit,thanks for calling Dan.
Dan: You're welcome.
"How am I sitting here the whole day?!"
(You go to call Lilly)
(Y/N):Hey Lil,Dan called they're already there,I think we should get ready.
Lilly:Yes, you're right,give me 10 minutes.
(Y/N):Ok, I'll go too.
(You go to the washroom and wash your face)
You wear a black top with blue jeans and black boots,and take your favourite purse.
"I'm going to meet some of my friends from here for the first time so a little make-up is definitely worth it"
"A little mascara,eye liner and then bright pink lipgloss,maybe a bit highlighter?....okay I look just fine" you talk while getting ready.
Then you hear a knock.
(Y/N):Come in!
Lilly:Ooooh, someone looks gorgeous!
(Y/N):Thank you Lil!!You look amazing too!!!
Lilly:Thanksss, alright let's go, Everyone is waiting for us.
(You and Lilly are on the way to Bar Aurora,you two take a few selfies on the road)
When you arrive at Bar Aurora,you see Thomas,Dan,Richy,Cleo and Jessy sitting on around a table, talking.
When they see you they come get up and come towards you and hug.
Jessy: You're finally here!!!! It's soooo good to see you even though we already met haha.
Richy:Me too.
Thomas:Thank you so much (Y/N) for coming here to help us.
(Y/N): It's my responsibility, it's ok Thomas
(Cleo comes and hugs you)
Cleo:I'm really happy to see you.
(Y/N): Me too.
Richy:Ok let's go guys,I we have sooo much to talk about, let's sit down.
(Y/N): That's right, let's go!

To be continued ❤️

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