Season-2 Episode-5

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You and Lilly are sitting on the couch.
Lilly:This dude managed to spread the blood all around the floor in the apartment!
(Y/N):I don't think it was real blood,more like red colour.but he literally spead it everywhere but why??
Lilly:He thought we would get scared of the blood and back off, didn't recognize us yet sis.
(Y/N):(laughs) that's right,ok now let's get started.
Lilly:Ok,so let's talk about Phill.
(Y/N): Alright,so he's our prime suspect here,
But why would he kidnap Hannah,if he did...
Lilly:I don't know...
(Y/N):What if Phill did something wrong and Hannah witnessed it?we know Hannah went to Bar Aurora quite often,and she knows something she shouldn't,she wanted to confront him that's why she called him?
Lilly:That's very possible
(Y/N):But how did he get in here??we locked the apartment.
Lilly:Oh come on!guys like him has connections.
(Y/N):Yes,and he didn't let me enter his basement that day,that makes a lot of sense.
Lilly:Yeah,it makes a lot of sense now,we're close to finding Hannah!
(Y/N):Yes Lilly we will find Hannah, alive!!!
(Y/N):Yes?go on
Lilly:So my brother only came to meet you huh?(Lilly makes a suspicious face)
(Y/N):(clears throat) Well...I don't know honestly, sometimes I feel like he likes me but then I feel like he doesn't trust me,your brother is confusing Lil.
Lilly: It'll be okay, don't worry (Lilly smiles)
(Y/N): Alright,I'm tireddd!!!I'm going to bed, talk to you tomorrow, Goodnight!
Lilly: Goodnight.

To be continued...❤️

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