Season 3, Episode-22

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I step on Mrs.Donfort's foot which makes her groan in pain,I take advantage of that and take the gun from her hand and push her backwards then, hit her head with the gun because of that she falls on the ground and gets unconscious.I run to Hannah and untie her.
Lilly throws her arms around Hannah's neck and they keep hugging,Hannah and Lilly both are crying.They get separated and Hannah looks at Jake,"Jake?" Tears rolls down her eyes."Hannah!I'm so glad you're ok,I tried everything but I couldn't figure it out I'm so sorry" Jake says.Hannah goes and hugs Jake.
I've been waiting to see this moment for a long long time.This really makes me happy,I did it,I completed my mission,I finally found Hannah.
She comes towards me now,ok this is about to be awkward.
"Finally!nice to see you Hannah" I say to her.
She doesn't say anything just hugs me,I hug her back."Thank you so so so much,I thought I would never be able to see my sister, brother and my friends" she says.
"It's alright, everything's going to be ok,but I do need to know all the truth Hannah,can you please tell me everything?from the beggining?"
"I can but not here,Lilly can't know it's going to shatter her,but I'll tell you"
"Ok,thank you." I say looking at her.
"Guys,I know this is an emotional moment for all of you but we got a little problem here..."says Dan.
We all look at him, what's he talking about?
"You think you've won right?but I won't let that happen" we hear from behind, it's...Mrs.Donfort she's conscious again,we all look at her.
"You've saved Hannah,but you can't save Jake and Dan" she says,and quickly types a number on her phone.
"Oh no no no" I mumble.
"Wh-what? what's she doing?" Hannah asks me.
"She's calling the FBI!!!"

To be continued...❤️

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