Season 5, Episode-14

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please read the previous episode if you don't remember what's going on.)

Hannah hits lilly with the gun and she almost falls because of that but she gets up,her head was bleeding.
"I had enough of this!" I try to go towards her but Jake pulls me towards him and stops me.
"Stop, please control your anger (Y/N)." He says to me.
"REALLY?! she's going to kill Lilly and you want me to control my anger?" I say looking at him furiously.
He doesn't say anything.
"Let's do it like before. Let's begin a countdown." Hannah says and looks at me.
"On my 3...🙂" She says with an evil look.
"1...2..." She counts.
"Hannah for the last time,I'm telling you surrender yourself otherwise you even have the time to regret." Jake says now.
"Look who's saying." She says.
"And 3!"

Suddenly everyone hears a gunshot.

We go towards Lilly and see her sitting on the ground crying and Hannah lying on the floor.
"Is she breathing?" Jake asks.
I go near Hannah and nod no and me and Jake hug Lilly.
"It's ok... everything's going to be ok."
Dan comes out by then and sees Hannah but by this reactions I don't understand if he's happy or sad.
"Lilly get up,we need to leave." He says to us.
"No need." Someone says to us and we look behind and see officer Quintin.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I managed everything." He says and some officers comes in and takes Hannah.
I smile back at officer Quintin.

1 year  later...
I was standing on a balcony, looking outside how I could be just dead trying to save a girl who actually tried to murder me and her sister and so much more. I sigh thinking about these and suddenly feel someone hugging me from behind.
"Hey you.," He says.
"Hey Mr. Hacker." I say and he chuckles.
"I have a question for you!" I say to him while staring suspicionsly.
"Yes ma'am?" He says trying to control his smile.
"When you first called me,did you imagine that we would get married?"
"No,to be honest I thought of making you a fool but guess what..." He says and starts laughing and snuggles in my neck.
"Oh yeah!!!very funny it is!"
He then looked at me and put my hairs behind my ear and kissed on my lips very lightly.
"Heyyyyy Lil! what's up?" I say to change the subject.
"I don't know about up but 2 love birds in front of me." She says chuckling.
I look at Jake and we both are blushing.
"Hey ok,come out of your world!we have to go to rainbow cafe today remember? it's our get together day!" Says all excited.
Yes we do get together every week just to appreciate each other❤️
The end....

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