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Season-3, Episode-3

"Dan?!" I say in a loud tone.
Scarecrow:Yes, it's me really Riddle Solver.
I am so shocked that I just don't know what to think or say anymore,that funny guy,who sent us memes, chatted with us made us laugh and annoyed at the same time is the faceless man???

"How could you do this?" I ask him confused and shocked.
"I've been telling you from the beginning,if you want to know everything then listen to me,I'm telling you once again" he says in a very calm voice.
But I don't feel like I can trust anyone anymore,Jake was right all of these faces are fake, it's like all of these people are wearing invisible masks.
"Listen to what?!what do you want to say after this?I can't imagine I trusted you!!"I say infuriated.

Lilly's view-
I just got home,I don't know what I should do? there's no point of going to the police,the matter has gone too far they can't do anything anymore, it's been 16 hours,(Y/N) is gone,I don't know what the faceless is doing with her,the best thing I can think of right now is calling Jake.

(Lilly takes her phone and dials Jake's number which (Y/N) had given her)

Jake's view-
This doesn't make any sense!I don't understand that riddle from Hannah,what did she mean?who was the reason of this riddle? it's gotta be someone very dearly to her,Maybe if I tell (Y/N) she might get something out of it.

Jake's phone is ringing, it's Lilly,
(Y/N) told me that she gave Lilly my number but she never contacted me until today.
(Jake picks up the call)

"...Hello?" Jake says nervously
"Jake?is that you?"Lilly's voice is shaking.
Is everything ok?why do you sound like that?"Jake asks immediately.
"Y/N...." Lilly manages to pronounce (Y/N)'s name and breaks into tears.
"What?what about her?"
"The faceless man got her Jake..I don't know what to do."Lilly says and her voice sounded miserable.
"What do you mean?!this can't be happening!how? where?when?"Jake asks mad and scared,he doesn't know what to think right now
"I asked her to come with me to the motel because me,Jessy and Cleo arranged a surprise party and we were walking there.Then she noticed someone was following us,it was the faceless man,he took her Jake,he hit (Y/N) in the head and drove her into the forest."Lilly says and Jake could clearly hear her crying.
(Jake didn't say a word,just hung up the phone)

Jake's view-
Once again, someone I love is suffering because of me,why does this has to happen?
What was her fault? nothing, she's just trying to find Hannah and now she has to suffer,but I promise I won't let anything happen to (Y/N) I will find her at any cost.

(Y/N)'s view-

It all makes sense now,it wasn't Phil it was Dan,he works at Bar Aurora,how did I forget that?!!!but now he knows my identity and if any how Jake finds out, it's going to shatter him...why did I lie to him in the first place?

To be continued...❤️

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