Season 4, episode 11

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I got to my room to take the necessaries. I know how risky all of this is going to be but there's no other options. After setting up everything I go in the middle of the house and call everyone. After sometimes we all gather around.
"Is this the second time we're doing this?" Dan asks.
"Yeah,and I really hope the last too." Jake replies.
This makes me laugh.
"Ahmm ok, let's be serious now people?" Lilly says.
"Okay,so you all got what you need?and everyone remembers the plan?we'll go to the apartment trap Hannah and make her confess,Dan you're going to shoot the whole thing and that's going to be it! Officer Quintin will help us with the rest." I say
"Of course!and I'm going to have popcorn right?" Jake asks making a goofy face.
"No,I didn't say that Mr. You'll be with me.
"Always." He says.
"Ahmm ahmm..." Lil coughs.
"Ok let's go!"
We go to Hannah's apartments without letting anyone know with the help of Dan because in everyone's pov me and Jake are dead and in Duskwood rumours spread how fire spreads in alcohol so we had to be super careful.
On the other side-
Hannah's pov-
Finally I got to the forest,I know it's late and a bit dangerous but I'm the real danger here (she laughs) I'm going to fine Lilly and I have to find out why she came here without telling me and if needed I'll....well we'll see. I've been walking for awhile but what is this? there's signs everywhere...why? what if this is why she came here?I have to follow it and see where it leads me.


I'm so so so sorry for not updating for such a long time🥺🥺 I've been super busy with my studies,i know you all her mad at me for doing this, please forgive me. I really missed you all and I love you so much thank you for waiting,I'm so grateful to each and e every one of you❤️❤️❤️

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