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Mrs.Donfort laughs hysterically."Dear,I'm so sorry to inform you but this love of your doesn't love you at all" she says looking at me.She hits my head with the gun which makes me fall on the ground,Jake and Lilly immediately tries to come to help me but then Mrs.Donfort points the gun on Hannah so they stop.I get up and look at her,"You're doing a big mistake." I say to her.
"You'll see,but this won't turn our good (Y/N)"
(Y/N)'s view-I have to do something, it's been awhile we've been here and she's getting more crazy,what should I do?If I make the move I'm used to she might die but I don't want to kill her.
"Alright,now what are you thinking??" She asks me
"I-I... Nothing"
"This is getting boring isn't it? let's do something fun,I'm going to kill your friends first and you're going to see and if you try to do something I'll kill this boyfriend of yours" she says to me.
Mrs.Donfort starts to point the gun on Lilly and then Hannah and then again on Lilly.
"Ok you first" she says."Mommy? you're going to kill me?" Lilly says and tears are rolling down her eyes.
"Yes.sweetheart, isn't it better if your mommy kills you other than someone else?"
Lilly doesn't say anything.
"Ok,time for a countdown,5....4....3...."
Mrs.Donfort loads the gun,2.....1.....
"No,I have to do something now.I won't let anything happen to Lilly, it's now or never."

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