Season-3, Episode-16

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I get surprised by Jake a little but it makes me smile.
"You really don't" I say looking into his eyes, that's when I feel him getting closer and when he was really close I push him backwards,he gets shocked and looks at me.
"Wow,that was mean" he says giggling.
"So sad" I laugh I say again,
"But we do have a lot of works to do"
Jake looks at me worried,"You said you know who kidnapped Hannah,who is it (Y/N)?" He asks me serious but I can't tell him yet,If I do then I know he's going to get raged and do something on hurry which is going to be bad for him and Hannah both.
"I'll tell you when it's the right time" I wink at him.
"Here we go again"
I giggle,"So do you know about the riddle Hannah told Thomas about?" I ask him
"Yes I do,I saw it on Thomas's notes,and I've been trying to figure out the meaning of the riddle but no luck" He says disappointed.
"It's ok!It has all the answers we are looking for but..." I stop.
"But what?" Jake asks.
"The answers are terrifying and evil, it's going to hurt some of us" I say hinting him.
"Whatever it is we'll handle it" Jake says looking at me.He repeats," What's your plan tomorrow?why do you want to go to the dare house all of a sudden?is Hannah there?" He asks curioused.
"No she's not, there's nothing at the dare house,but my main target is letting the group know we're all going to be busy there so the news goes to the real perpetrator and she does what I want her to do" I say to him
"Yes she,our killer and kidnapper is a female,But I still don't know her exact motive I can just assume it,but if I'm right then Hannah is in real danger and we have to save her as fast as possible" I say to Jake.
He keeps looking at me but doesn't say anything,I don't know what's wrong with this person he suddenly says," Thank you (Y/N)"
I roll my eyes and say "But why it's my job" I start laughing,he looks at me disappointed of how I keep mocking him.
"Ohhhh finally!!!!" I hear someone saying from the door, it's obviously Lilly.
"Finally?what finally?" I ask her immediately.
"Finally you two are talking so I don't have to worry so much" she says coming in.
"Yes we are,and very soon Hannah is going to be here too Lil" I say to her smiling.
Lilly smiles and says,"I can't wait for that to happen" Dan comes in and says,"Me neither"
"Ok so,how do you two come in the same time?" I ask looking at them and this time Jake looks at them too.
"Oh...well,we were just hanging around, you know?" Dan says shyly.
"Ooooh" I say looking at Lilly and she makes her famous angry face which now makes me laugh.
"Ok guys, tomorrow is going to be it, tomorrow we are going to find Hannah and catch the real perpetrator" I say looking at Jake,Lilly and Dan.
"Yes,and we'll always support and protect each other no matter what!" Jake says.
Lilly and Dan agrees.
I know it's been a long journey but it's time to end this,and tommorow is the day.
To be continued...❤️

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