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Season-2, Episode-13

You weren't prepared for these kind of questions but there's no other options so
You say,"Well yeah,with everything going on,I just wanted to relax a bit and this seems to be a pretty nice place here"
"Is it really that?" Phil looks at you with a surprised face.
"Yes it is" (You smile)
(Someone calls Phill from behind)
Phill:I'm so sorry, I'll be right back.
(You see the person whispering something on Phill's ear)

Phill:Hey,we ran out of cocktails so we need ingredients to make it,I'm going to get it from the store room, could you please wait here for a second?

This is going to be the best chance I'm ever going to get to check the "secret room"I have to do something. (You think to yourself)
(Y/N): Sure but why don't I help you a little? it's a lot of people here, you're going to need some help.
Phill:No no,I really appreciate it.but I don't need your help.
(Phill walks away)
"Ugh!!!dang it,I have to follow him now"
You follow Phill and watch Phill get in the room and close the door,so it's very possible that the door is still opened so you quietly go and spin the lock
"Bingo!!!" The door opened.

Jake's view-
"(Y/N) is at Bar Aurora by now,I know no threats can stop her, she's not going to step back but what am I supposed to do?Phil is there,What if he harms (Y/N)?I'm not going to let that happen,I have to stop her."

To be continued...❤️

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