Season 4, episode 13

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Season 5 Episode 13
She repeats,"Where is the other one?Dan?the betrayer, betrayed you too?ran off like a little kid?"
Ok at least Hannah doesn't know that Dan is here... that's a good thing.
"Not everyone's like you." Lilly says.
Dan's pov-
I wish I could shoot this bitch right now and kill her!how dare she?!!!
"Hannah,what you've done is beyond bad and evil and you deserve punishment,you did so many sins that even for a normal person thinking about it is crazy, and no matter what happens I'll make sure you get enough punishmeny.I'll bring justice to those you've harmed,you can't stop me." I say looking at her.
"Oh really?sin?what have I done?I just made Mrs.Donfort kill my mom,and hid it very nicely and I just pretended to be a victim when I'm the real villain of all of your lives and just made Jake homeless,and also tried to kill you and Jake which I failed but not again." Hannah says and bring out a gun and shoots at me. Before it hit me Jake pulls me towards him so the bullet went right by my side.
"HANNAH STOP!!!" Jake yelled at her.
Lilly hid behind a big wardrobe kinda thing.
"Why should I?!" She says.
I bring out my gun and point it towards her.
"You're not the only one who has a gun." I say and load it.
"Throw the gun away or I'll be forced to shoot you." I repeat.
"I don't wanna kill you Hannah, please don't me me." I say again.
"Oh... you're so good no?ok let me do something different,I want to play the same game you planned to play on me." She says.
"What?" Jake asks.
"What do you mean?!"
Hannah goes towards Lilly and holds the gun on her head.
"Now tell me... who's going to throw the gun away?you or me?if you don't your this little one is going to die in my hand and you know that's not impossible right?" Hannah says with the evilest look on her face.
Lilly looks at Hannah with a terrifying and teary face.
"Hannah? this really you?did you really pretend to love me?care about me? don't remember how we spent time together?how we had so much fun,care and love for each other?" Lilly says crying hysterically.
"These stupid emotional speeches won't work on me baby,get ready to die." Hannah replies.

To be continued...❤️

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