Season 4, Episode 9

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Everyone stares at me for a moment and finally Jake breaks the silence.
"You mean...there?" He asks.
"Wait... really?there?" Lilly asks after him.
Dan looks at me annoyed,"Dude...what here-there are you guys doing?can someone explain it to me clearly?" He asks and I laugh.
"There means Hannah's secret basement,where we made a big mistake and where (Y/N) and Jake died...well that's what they think at least." I said.
"Okay...but how are we going to get in there?" Dan asks.
"First,we'll let Hannah suspect that Lilly is in danger then we'll make a call saying she is kidnapped and tell her to go at a particular place and in the meantime Jake will hack into all the security cameras and we will go to Hannah's apartment and her basement...easy peasy" I said.
Jake took a deep breath and said," Yeah..easy peasy..."
"Lil you ok?" I ask her.
"Yes,of course. please don't worry about me I want to be your partner in this battle not a burden." She replies.
"Ok but..." Dan said and suddenly we heard a ring, someone's phone is ringing.
"It's Hannah" Lilly says.
"Oh ok, she's already suspecting? it's a bit weird to me" Dan says.
"No because I said to her I don't have much work today and I'll be home really early." Lilly says and look at me with "what do I do now" face.
"Don't receive it,remove the battery from your phone and also the sim card"
She does as I said.
"Now she's going to call and it's going to be unreachable so she's going to get worried and after 3 hours I mean in the evening we'll call her with a voice changer and unknown number." I say to everyone.
"Also we have to chance the location too of the system." Jake says. I look at him with a "what?" face he understands and says,"I'll manage it don't worry"

_3 hours later_
Jake calls us from his room and we go there and see him sitting in front of his desk.
"Everything's set up, who's going to call?" He asks and everyone looks at me.
"I'll do it" I say.
I take the phone and dial Hannah's number and unsurprisingly she receives it right away.
"Hello,who is it?" She says and I suddenly remember how much I hate her.

Guys did you play Episode 7?!!If you did tell me in the comments how you liked it and what do you think about it?!!!❤️❤️❤️

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