Season-3, Episode-9

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"I don't understand what's going on right now, according to Lilly Scarecrow hurt (Y/N),but she said that she'll be here in the evening, what's that supposed to mean?is there anything (Y/N) is hiding from me?"
Jake was thinking about these all day, several thoughts crossed his minds but finally he decides to hold on and see what's going to happen. "It's almost evening she's going to be here anytime" Jake mumbles to himself.

"I'm sorry Jake,I didn't want you to find out this way but there's nothing I can do so, please forgive me if you can." (Y/N) is talking to herself because she's nervous and don't know how Jake and Lilly are going to react

Both of them are sitting in two completely different places thinking about each other the whole day.

(Dan comes in)
" It's time (Y/N)" he says in a low tone.
"Let's go."I say and get up
Me and Dan proceed to go to Lilly's place,where Lilly and Jake are eagerly waiting for us
....time break....
Lilly and Jake hears a bell.
"It must be her!it must be (Y/N)."Lilly exclaims and rushes to the door.
Jake follows Lilly.
Jake sees me and I could literally feel it,that he cried and the worst part it was for me...
"I missed you so much!I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." Jake says looking at me with those heart swallowing eyes.
"I missed you too Jake! it's ok,it wasn't your fault."I say and smile at him which makes him smile back.
"I'm so glad you're ok!"Lilly says smiling and hugs me.
"I am Lil"I smile
"But...I'm not alone,there is someone with me ." I say staring at my right,so Lilly and Jake look that way too.

They see a person in costume of Scarecrow,their face turns pale in a blink,Jake immediately comes in front of me and Lilly

"Don't you even dare try to hurt (Y/N) or Lilly."He says raged
Dan stands there quiet
"Where is Hannah?" He asks to Dan who is scarecrow to him
"Say something!!where is our sister?!"Lilly repeats after Jake.
"Guys!!calm down,he's-he's with me."I say looking at both of them.
"What? he's with you?"Jake stutters a bit
"Guys, Please listen to me ok?Can we go in and talk?"I request them
Lilly exclaims with anger and says,"This guy is not entering my house."
"Lilly Please!"
We go in.
"Guys,I have a lot of things to tell you so please, please listen to me carefully,I know it's going to be a lot to take in but for Hannah at least listen to me.
I give Dan a sign to take off his mask.
Scarecrow/Dan takes off his mask,Jake and Lilly keeps staring at him for a few seconds and I see Lilly shaking out of anger.
"DAN?!!YOU'RE SCARECROW?!!!YOU KIDNAPPED MY SISTER?!!!HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!"She asks and tears rolls down her eyes,Jake stands there speechless.

To be continued...❤️

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