Season-2 Episode-18

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Season-2, Episode-18

"This all is really confusing..." I say to Jake closing my eyes down and then opening it again.
"It's ok (Y/N) we'll find out." He says trying to make me feel better and I roll my eyes and say "Okayyyyy" which makes Jake laugh, sometimes he's so confident,and sometimes so shy,he amazes me everytime in a new way.

"It's pretty late you should get some sleep,get back to Lilly's in the morning." He says looking at his computer trying to ignore looking at me
"Okay,But what about you? won't you sleep?" I ask him and wait for his answer.
"I don't sleep."and as usual he says the same thing.
"Fine then I won't either." I say sitting on a chair beside him.
"We'll see." Jake laughs

(Y/N)'s view-
Today was amazing,well at first it was scary,and I got really worried and a little bit scared but it got better,I can't believe I'm sitting with Jake,the Jake I've dreamed about for days,nights,and always,we also discussed about Hannah's disappearance, Jennifer and the chance of Phil's involvement.But as of right now I can barely keep my eyes open.

(You fall asleep thinking about everything without even realizing)

Jake's view-
(Y/N) looks so beautiful while sleeping,she is the most wonderful person I've ever known,I was denying myself that I didn't have any feelings towards her but whenever I see her I feel an electric gaze running through my nerves,I know it's not right but there's nothing I can do about it.,she thought me how to trust a person again when I lost all my hopes she stood beside me,(Y/N) supported me when no one else did.
(Jake smiles and lifts you and walks towards the couch and lays you down.He kisses your forehead and walks back to his computer to work on it)

(Time break)

I feel everything is blurred in front of me,I get up from the couch and see my phone ringing,Jessy is calling,I pick up the call.

"Hey (Y/N)!!"
"Hey Jessy,Good morning." I say rubbing my eyes with one hand
"Good morning!!" Jessy says back.
"What's up?is everything ok?" I ask Jessy to make sure she's fine
Jessy says,"Yes, everything is good,but my brother told me what happened last night,so I wanted to make sure you're ok"
"Yes,I'm alright, don't worry about me"I say trying to giggle but since I just woke up my voice sounds weird.
"I'm so sorry for Phil's behavior" Jessy says making a sad tone
I feel so bad, it's none of her fault and she's always in the middle of everyone's fight.
"Heyy!! it's none of your fault!!and it's alright don't worry" I say try to make her happy.
"Ok,(she giggles)where are you?" Jessy asks,but why's she asking where am I all of a sudden?
I look around
"Umm,On the couch?" I get confused, didn't even notice it,I fell asleep on the chair and now I'm on the couch?
"What?" Jessy asks not understanding what I'm saying.
"Nothing, I'll talk to you later?I just woke up from sleep"I say in a sleepy tone
To be honest I haven't slept good in awhile.
"Alright,take care!"
"You too!!stay safe,adios."I say and hung up the call.

I get up and see Jake still sitting on the chair in front of his computer.

(You were going to scare him so you slowly start walking towards him and when you were about to touch his shoulder he turns around)
'Good morning!" He says turning around at the exact time.
"Aww,I was going to scare you!" I say disappointed.
"I know."
"By the way...How did I get there?" I ask looking at him
"You might have fell down so I layed   you down." Jake said shyly.
"Hmm...Okay (you smile)I should go, Lilly is probably worried." I don't want to go but there's no other way.
Jake's face gets a bit pale "Yes,you have to get out by other door because it's day time,you can't use the previous one" he says while rubbing his hands,By his gesture I understand he's a bit nervous.
Jake walks me to the other door and opens it for me and stands at side of the door.

Before I walk out I kiss on his cheek,he gets red automatically.
"Jake?" I say in a low voice.
" Promise me you'll take care of yourself and not let the government get you."
He says,"I promise." I don't want to leave him but I promise I'm going to come back to you I say to myself.
"See you soon" he winks at me while im walking away but I can read his eyes and where I can clearly see how much he doesn't want to let me go

To be continued...❤️

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