Season-3, episode-5

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Season-3, Episode-5

"W-wait...what??what do you mean?Jake?are you sure?"I stand up now.
"Yes,(Y/N) I'm sure,I can still hear her screaming his name and crying to death,and we couldn't do anything except standing there and watching her taking her last breathes" Dan says and I could see pure guilt on his face.
"I don't understand..."I say a bit disappointed,this puzzle is getting more critical day by day.
Dan says again,"We didn't either,but after the incident me and Hannah both were shocked,we watched a woman die and couldn't do anything,it made us feel like we were the worst human being on the planet."
"It wasn't your fault Dan,You were children."I try to console him but I know it's not going to work the pain is too deep to be consoled.
"I know,but maybe if we did something that day maybe Jennifer would be alive today."
I stare at him shocked for some times,he was talking about Jennifer all this time??!
"Wait...ah...did you just were talking about Jennifer?" I say rapidly and nervous.
"Yes,the story isn't over yet (Y/N),when we were coming back from the forest,we were quite,It was miserable.I could feel myself getting paralyzed,but" Dan stops and thinks for a moment.
"But?" I ask him
"But Hannah...It was like she was dying on the inside,so I thought maybe we should speak,so I asked her if she's ok,but she didn't respond,she just kept walking and walking.
Then I decided to stop her so I hold her hand and made her stand in front of me,she literally started shaking and without even a moment after she started crying hysterically"
He repeats right after,
"And I thought I knew what it was about,we both were hurt, depressed,and we didn't understand what we were going to do so I comforted her saying it's going to be ok,but it wasn't it"
"What do you mean it wasn't it?" I look at him confused.
"She told me that she knew the woman,Hannah knew Jennifer"
I repeat after him,"Hannah knew Jennifer?"
"Yes,I asked her how, she said that she had met her"He takes a deep breath.
"Where?did you ask?"
"She said that she wasn't sure,but Hannah knew Jennifer,and she felt a connection towards her." Dan says and his voice was shaking.
"This doesn't make any sense to me,(I say crossing my arms) Firstly...why would Jennifer call for Jake?10 years ago...he was probably a kid and the only thing that comes to my mind is....."I stop and what comes to my mind shocks me myself.
"Go on (Y/N),what does your mind tell you?"Dan asks me
"Oh my gosh...Dan.Jake is Jennifer's son?...he is the little son she was talking about?"
"Yes (Y/N),we didn't know it then but after knowing that we watched an innocent person die in front of us,and didn't do anything,it was killing us,so we started to investigate,but day by day it started to get complicated and dangerous, and that's why I had to become scarecrow to protect my loved ones and my identity,and to do that I had to do some bad things that I regret...
Anyway..we found small clues here and there and our investigation kept going.We didn't know the biggest shock was yet to come.

To be continued...❤️

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