Season-2, Episode-16

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Season-2, Episode-16

I get in and start looking around, there's a lot of computers and sockets all around the room with security footages.
"So,tell me" Jake says all of a sudden.
"Tell you what, there's nothing to tell." I say rubbing my hands a little,I don't know why I'm so nervous right now,we talked so many times but still whenever I'm talking to Jake there's a different feeling.
"Are you out of your mind?!"
Jake asks looking at me and waits for me to answer.
"No I'm not,I know what I'm doing." You say confidently but doesn't seem like he's convinced, shouldn't he know why and what I'm doing?
Jake:Well then tell me what you're doing
"You of all people should know that the only thing I'm trying to find Hannah,Your sister"

He gets 2 steps closer.
"And how is meeting Phill 3 times a week is going to do that?"Jake asks making a cold face.
Really??I'm risking my life for YOUR sister and you ask me this?
(You feel anger running through your veins,you go one step closer to him)
"Amazing!now you're asking this to me? seriously?do you not know that he was on Hannah's call log the day of her disappearance"
"I do but that doesn't mean you're going to follow him to a store room alone,he could have hurt you." He says while sighing.
"Phil's intention wasn't to hurt me..."
Jake: Exactly I saw that,he was about to kiss you against your will! (Jake seems to get mad even thinking about it)
"How do you know that it was against my will?" I cross my arms and ask him.
Jake:It... wasn't? (He stutters a little)
'I don't need to tell you that" I say looking at the computer near me.

Jake takes a deep breath and takes off his mask.
I really didn't imagine him to take off his mask,at least not at this moment,but...I'm glad he did because he's so handsome and cute,Jake's just like I imagined him from the start,when I first talked to him, first flirted with him... shared my thoughts with him.

What? why are you staring at me like that?"
Oh shit,I didn't even realize I was staring at him, stupid me!!!
"I...uh,I'm not." I say kind of embarrassed.

I felt my heart literally racing,I know what this is!!a trap,a trap for me to fall for him all over again.

He comes close to me, really close. wasn't against your will?(He whispers in your ear)
I recall what he said before, it's not right, it's dangerous.
"It was,but why do you care?it shouldn't matter,I'm no one to you, don't you remember what you said?you denied your feelings so I can do whatever I want" you say looking into his eyes.
(Jake pulls you by the waist closer to him)
"Oh yeah?"
Before I could pull myself together Jake put his lips on mine.
Jake's view-
I know I told (Y/N) that It was dangerous and it that it wasn't right but today seeing her with Phil it made me realize how much I love her and how much I want to keep her to me.
(Y/N)'s view-I was waiting for this moment to arrive for such a long time,since the first time we kissed and finally...I know how you feel Jake,even if you don't tell me about it,I know it,I know you.
(You two separate)
Jake:I...I'm so sorry...
"Sure...go on say your daily phrase,"This is not right,our one and only goal should be to find Hannah"
(We both laugh)
"But,yes it is though"He says smiling.

To be continued...❤️

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