Chapter 31- Diverso

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Jax's POV
A few weeks later.

We were well into October now. It was Wednesday the 14th October. Not much had happened. We hadn't heard anything from the Russians since the night they killed Lara's family.

We had stolen from their shipments and killed a few of their men on their way back from Brazil. Yet they hadn't retaliated yet.

I had woke up to my alarm at 6am to see Lara sat in a ball in the corner of our room fast asleep. She had done this most nights since her family were killed. She hardly got any sleep anymore that was clearly evident on her face when she didn't wear makeup.

I climbed out of bed and walked to where Lara was fast asleep. I picked her up gently and put her back on the bed. I placed the comforter over her before heading into the closet and getting into my gym clothes.

Once my gym clothes were on I checked on Alannah quickly and headed to the gym.

"Good morning Jax, did you sleep well?" Gio asks throwing a bottle of water at me.

"Fuck off." I say making the boys laugh.

"So clearly not." Matteo says whilst I roll my eyes and head over to the treadmill first.

Each of us are stressed and tense. We have a lot to lose this time. Mainly our other half's. Mine is Lara and Alannah. Then Gio and Matteo's is Amara.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Gio says as the three boys get on treadmills beside me.

"Nothing." I say rolling my eyes making Matteo and Gio look at each other but thankfully Rocco didn't look bothered.

"Definitely Lara related." They say in sync and I scoff and pick up the pace.

After a good 45 minutes of the treadmill and then working out we had a break for five.

"So what happened with you and Lara?" Gio asks sitting beside me on a bench as I take a sip of my bottle of water.

"Nothing happened with me and Lara." I say and he looks at me sternly.

"I'm serious, she's just. Ugh its complicated." I say and he just furrows his eyebrows.

"Tell us." Matteo says and I roll my eyes standing up.

"No." I say walking over to the weights. It's not really their place.

"Come on Jax, there's nothing going on plus we won't tell anyone." Matteo pleads and I roll my eyes.

"No, now shut you you sound like a girl." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Jax come on we're her friends too. We want to know what's wrong with her plus maybe we can help." Gio says and I sigh.

"She's different. She doesn't sleep anymore. When I wake up in the morning she's in the most weirdest of places. I've caught her asleep on the balcony, in corners of my room, against the foot of the bed, on the floor. It just doesn't make sense to me. Any time I try to get her to talk we end up having sex instead and its just not her. If she isn't with Alannah she's working on that god damm laptop and it's like I don't know who she is anymore." I say sighing.

"She's grieving Jax, what do you expect? She's finding a way to get over them and she's just filling herself up with things to do so she doesn't have to think about it. Plus she said it herself, she loved him and they were family to her. She hasn't had a family in so long and then Dmitri literally made her watch him kill them. She's angry Jax just talk to her." Gio says and I roll my eyes.

"She won't talk to me, anytime I try to talk about them she shuts it down straight away. She asks me to give her a distraction and when I say no she rolls over and pretends to be annoyed and go to sleep till I give in." I say making them laugh.

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