Chapter 6-Jantar

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I wake up by someone pulling my arm. I sit up and I'm immediately met with Alannahs little body standing on my floor trying to wake me up.

She struggles to get into my bed the majority of the time because of how small she is.

I pick her up and and cuddle her. I start kissing her playfully.

"Mama." she squeals whilst trying to get out of my grip.

"I give up getting you to try call me lara or lala." I admit shaking my head playfully and she giggles.

"You're my best mommy." She says and I kiss her playfully again.

"Right come on then" I sit up.

We head downstairs and I go into the kitchen. I sit Alannah on the counter and then slightly to the right I make an acai bowl. I hand bits of fruit to Alannah whilst I make us breakfast. Once the acai bowls are done we sit at the island.

We talk and giggle whilst eating our food. After breakfast I fill up Alannah's beaker with juice and take her into the living room. I put on doc mcstuffins whilst I wash up the dishes from breakfast.

After breakfast we go upstairs. I take Alannh into her room. I facetime James so he can talk to Alannah whilst I'm in the shower. Once I get out of the shower I blow dry my hair. I then get changed quickly before walking into Alannah's room.

Her giggle fills the room as James tells her something funny.

"Mama you took ages." Alannah says when she sees me.

"Sorry bubba." I say and pick her up and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you James." I say and he smiles

"Its no problem honestly, I'll talk to you later." He says and I smile. We say goodbye and I get Alannah ready.

We go into the bathroom where Alannah brushes her teeth with some help. I clean her face and we then head back into her room.

I pick out a dress and some tights for her to wear today. I had her put on a brown dress that now goes with the weather outside. I pared it with some black tights.

I sit her inbetween my legs where I begin to do her hair. I was going to put it up but ended up leaving it down. I brushed over it one more time before kissing her cheek signalling that I was done.

We're going to head over to the Millers' at 4pm. They have dinner around 5:30 so we'll have about an hour and half before dinner. However it's only 11am right now so we have some time.

I go back into my room after making Alannah's bed. I make my bed and then sit Alannah on my bed. I put my tv on and then put doc mcstuffins on whilst I do my hair and makeup. I straighten my hair and put a little makeup on.

After I finish the last layer of mascara I call Alannah over. I sit her on my lap and then put some lip balm on her lips so they don't get all cracked. I then kiss her and act all shocked which causes her to laugh.

Once we were done in my room I grab my phone and switch the tv off. We go downstairs. I refilled Alannahs beaker whilst she played with some toys in the living room. I then quickly check my phone whilst filling up a glass of water.

Jake- good morning, about to start my shift. Can't wait to talk to you on my break x

I smile and put my phone in my back pocket before taking our drinks into the living room. I put them on the coffee table and then sit on the sofa. Alannah runs around the living room playing with some toys.

It gets to lunch time and I stand up and stroll into the kitchen. I wasn't personally that hungry so I got out a bagel and toasted it. I then spread some cream cheese and cut it into four for Alannah. I put it on a plate and shout Alannah into the kitchen. I sit her at the island and then put the food in front of her before putting some fresh juice in her beaker.

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