Chapter 34- O Acordo

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It was safe for us to go back to Jax's house now. We had been here for two days since we arrived. They hadn't found anything in the house, surprisingly.

Once I had gotten out of bed I put on Jax's t-shirt from the floor whilst I check on Alannah. It was nearly 7am they were both still asleep.

I had a quick shower and blow dried and straightened my hair before getting dressed. I put on some blue jeans with Jax's plain black hoodie before heading downstairs and making breakfast.

I decided on using the last of food that Jax had brought. I made some strawberry and chocolate breakfast cookies. I then put them on a plate and put them on the island along with some croissants, french toast and the last of the chocolate pop tarts out.

"It smells nice down here." Jax says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What drink do you want?" I ask as he puts his head in the crook my of neck.

"I'll sort drinks out don't worry, why don't you go and wake Alannah up." He says stepping back I nod.

I head upstairs to where Alannah was sleeping and saw she was still fast to sleep.

Once I woke her up I pretty much took her downstairs straight away.

I carried her down because she was just so tired and it was evident on her face.

I sat her at the island where Jax handed Alannah some orange juice.

"Morning dad." Alannah greets whilst I sit beside her. I take a coffee from Jax as he goes to sit on the other side of Alannah.

After breakfast Jax washed the dishes whilst I packed them away. Alannah was just watching tv in the living room. Once the cleaning was done we head back upstairs. Jax goes into his room and gets washed and dressed whilst I head into Alannah's room.

I brush her teeth and clean her face before getting her dressed.

Once Alannah was dressed I sat her inbetween my legs to go her hair. I take out her braids then brush her gently to be careful not to take out her curls. I make sure everything was packed up before making her bed and going downstairs.

I cleaned up the last of Alannah's toys leaving two out for her to play with whilst we waited for Jax.

When Jax came back down he had a plain black suit that he has a million of and wears every single day.

"You ready?" Jax asks picking up Alannah's bag. "Yep." Alannah says jumping up.

Whilst Jax puts everything in the trunk of the car I plug Alannah in.

I sit in the passenger seat and give Alannah my phone to watch YouTube.

"Are you going straight to the office once we get there?" I ask as he concentrates on the road.

It had been quite a rainy day today but luckily the rain wasn't too bad.

"Yeah, once Alannah goes to bed we'll head to the warehouse." He says and I nod.

Once we get to the house a car pulled beside us in the garage, it was Gio, Amara and Matteo.

"Hey hey hey." Amara says once we get out of the car.

Alannah runs over to greet them as soon as I got her out of her car seat.

A few men come and take our bags in leaving us six just randomly standing in the garage. Gio had carried Alannah in as she told him about what she'd been up to the past few days.

We all head into the kitchen were we grab a drink before the boys headed into the office.

"Mom can we do something today?" Alannah asks whilst playing some game on my phone.

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