Chapter 21- Sequestrada

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Tuesday September 1st

Our flight isn't until about mid day. I had woken up at about 5 which lead to me having about 4 hours of sleep.

At about 8am I woke Alannah up so we could have breakfast. We went into the living room where I put Alannah down to watch TV. I decided to make an Acai bowl straight away with some fresh fruit and granola.

After breakfast we head into my room where I then get ready. I have a quick shower and then blow dry and straighten my hair. I then put on an oversized saint Laurent sweatshirt with some nike pro shorts. I then do natural makeup.

I take Alannah to her room and brush her teeth and wash her face. After that I get her dressed into some black leggings and a white top with bananas on.

Once Alannah was ready I clean both of our rooms up and quickly make both of our beds.

Alannah had gotten loads better since we'd been in LA. She was sleeping in her own room now and ever since we spoke about what was wrong she didn't have that many nightmares. She was overall back to the same girl she had been before which had made me happy.

It's actually kind of scary how easy kids can bounce back.

If I went through half the things Alannah did I think I'd be in the corner crying non stop.

I put the luggage by the door and we watch tv until the driver had come.

We got on Jax's plane which was familiar to me but not to Alannah. She was looking around all wide eyed and giggly. We sat down and straight away she ended up watching YouTube.

This flight isnt as long as the flight from Brazil to New York. This flight is only about 5 hours. When we land it will be 5:45pm LA time but in New York it will be 8:45pm.

"Would you like anything to drink?" An air hostess asks politely.

"I'll just have a glass of water and make some juice for Alannah please." I say and she nods.

"I'm so excited to see Dad." Alannah says looking up from the phone. "I bet he's just as excited to see you." I say and she smiles.

"I'm going to give him the biggest hug, I've missed him too much." She says making me smile.

I thank the air hostess and she puts our drinks down. Alannah drinks all of her drink straight away whereas I take gradual sips.

"Mama I don't feel well." Alannah tells me and puts her hand to her forehead.

"When we get there your dad can help us but theres not much we can do right now." I say and she nods.

A little bit after that Alannah fell to sleep in my lap with her head in the crook of my neck.

I then myself started to get a bit of a headache but didn't think much of it.

It got so bad to the point I could hardly keep my eyes open. "Melanie. That's where they are." Someone says as I start to fall to sleep.

I woke up feeling quite dazed. I immediately sit up when I realised I was lying down.

I look around to see I was no longer on the plane.


"Where's Alannah?" I ask whilst looking around.

"Oh you're awake." A familiar voice says and I look up to see Gio was driving and Matteo looking at me.

"What happened? Where's Alannah?" I ask rubbing my head as I didn't feel well.

"You missed quite a bit." Matteo says and I sigh.

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