Chapter 17- Estresse pós-traumático

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I hardly slept last night. I probably got an hour all together. Alannah was snuggled into my chest and was still fast to sleep.

The door squeaks open and I look to my left to see Carter standing there.

"Are you joining us for breakfast?" He asks and I shake my head for no.

"How is she?" He asks and I sigh.

"She's not doing okay, shes woken up multiple times crying. I just want her to be okay but she won't." I say and he sighs.

"I'm here for whatever the both of you need." He says and I smile and thank him.

When Carter leaves he accidentally woke Alannah up.

She didn't cry she just snuggled in even closer when I heard her stomach growl. I sit up and so does she and I look down at her smiling softly at her.

"Breakfast time." I say and she smiles before reaching up and wrapping her arms around my neck.

I carry her to the dinning room where surprisingly no one was there. She sits down, I get her some pancakes and cut then up for her.

I watched her completely devour the pancakes whilst sipping on some coffee.

"You need to eat too." She says so I pick up a cinnamon roll which I have for breakfast.

After watching Alannah shove her face with food and drink lots of juice we head back upstairs. We go to my room, where I make my bed and sit Alannah on it. I choose her outfit then brush her teeth and clean her face.

I get her dressed into a sea green shorts and matching top. Once she was dressed I sat her on my bed and put YouTube on my phone but she wasn't fussed by that.

I went to go into the bathroom but she started crying. I head back in to my room and calm her down.

"Bub I need to get ready." I say but she shakes her head no.

"Hey I was about to head out, I just wanted to see if you needed anything." Carter says opening my door.

"Can you cuddle with Alannah whilst I have a shower?" I ask and he nods and takes Alannah out of my arms.

Alannah also didn't like that which was odd. She was screaming whilst in his arms. I take her back from him and smile softly at him.

"Everything alright?" Jax asks leaning on the door frame.

"Yeah, she's upset and won't go to Carter whilst I get ready." I say and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Let me see." Jax says walking towards her and putting his arms out but she goes into his arms willingly.

Carter just sighs and walks out.

"If you aren't busy can you please watch her for like twenty minutes whilst I have a shower?" I ask and he nods whilst stroking her hair.

"Of course." He says and I thank him.

Once I get out of the shower I put on a nude cable knit pants and top. I brush my teeth then put my hair in a messy bun as I didn't have time to wash it.

I come out of my bathroom to see Jax rocking with Alannah in his arms fast to sleep. I smile at the scene until he notices me.

"How was she last night?" He asks and I sigh.

"She woke up every couple of hours, but we'll get there. We always do." I say and he sighs and nods.

I sit down at my window seat and just watch Jax with Alannah in his arms.

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