Chapter 28- Armas

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We were now very much into the late September and the air outside started to match. It was colder and the leaves had started falling from the trees.

We aren't exactly allowed to leave the house as things seemed to be getting worse. I was away from Brazil but they didn't have it as bad apparently.

Ever since that day at the ice cream parlour where Rocco saved me we hadn't really heard from Dmitri at all.

According to Jax, Rocco is extremely skilled. The only thing we didn't know is the whereabouts of Dmitri. When something like a shooting happens, everyone throws themself infront of their leader. We don't know if Rocco killed him or if he got out. But what we do know is that when Jax's men went to retrieve the bodies they had gone.

I hadn't really slept last night. I was just thinking about everything that happened. Jax had gotten into bed way before I had finished my meeting with Carter. So when I had finished the call he was fast asleep.

Once Jax's alarm had gone off he turned it off and rolled over to kiss me when he was met with my legs.

"Good morning?" He says looking up to me who was sat against the head board with my knees in my chest.

"Morning." I reply looking down to him.

"Did you get much sleep?" He asks sitting beside me but I shake my head no.

He takes one of my hands that were rested on my knee and gently brings it to his mouth where he leaves a soft kiss.

"Do you wanna talk?" He asks and I yawn and shake my head for no before I put my head on his shoulder.

"There isn't anything to talk about I was just thinking about everything that's going on." I say and he nods and places another kiss to my hand.

"We've got an early meeting with your father this morning." He says and I groan.

"Do I have to get ready?" I ask and he laughs.

"I'd recommend it." He says making me roll my eyes.

"I have to cut my gym session short this morning." He says standing out of bed.

"Well have fun." I say laughing softly.

Once Jax leaves I get in the shower straight away. Once I get out of the shower I head into the closet and choose out some blue jeans. After putting my jeans out I choose out a black long sleeved top and tuck it in. I mean I was only going to talk to my dad, Marco and probably Carter.

I lean over the bed to the nightstand that my necklace is currently on. I grab my necklace then sit on the bed and put it on.

Jax comes in and kisses my cheek before making his way to the bathroom. I then quickly blow dry and straighten my hair and put a little bit of makeup on.

As Jax heads into his closet to get dressed I make our bed.

"You ready?" Jax asks as I pick up my work phone.

"Yeah." I say following behind him downstairs and to his office.

"I don't see why you have to have meetings with them every other day." Matteo says and I look up from my work phone quickly as I tried to skim read all the texts I'd received.

"Apparently today is quite important." Jax says shrugging.

I sit inbetween Jax and Gio and whilst Jax rings my father on the laptop.

Their three familiar faces pop up but they didn't exactly look very happy. I hoped Jax hadn't told them what happened a few weeks ago. I made the four boys promise me that they wouldn't say anything to them. Along with making them not tell them about Jax and I as I had no clue how they would take it.

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