Extra chapter 1

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This is set February after the last chapter (not the epilogue)

Lara's POV
"Get out of my house." I say walking down the stairs, whilst carrying Alannah.

"Don't look at me like that." I groan at him.

"This can't wait boss." He says in a thick Portuguese accent.

"My flight is in an hour. I better be on it." I say putting Alannah down.

"Come on Alannah. Let's get breakfast." Amara says heading towards the kitchen.

I lead him to my office and sit down.

"Alexi." He starts and I immediately groan.

"What about him?" I ask and he sighs.

"He wants a meeting with you." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Get me his number. I'll call him on the way to the airport." I say and he nods.

"Now seriously get out of my house. The only face I want to see is Mario's when he drops me to the airport. I haven't seen Jax in like 2 months and if something delays me getting on that god damn plane oh so help me god." I say and he nods and rushes out of my office.

I head to the kitchen where Amara and Alannah were giggling.

"Hi." I say and Alannah stands up and jumps into my arms.

"I can't wait to see daddy." She says and I smile.

"Me too." I agree and she kisses my nose.

Jax was supposed to fly out twice but never actually got here. Something had always happened to stop him from getting here. Gio on the other hand, had visited like 3 weeks ago and Amara flew back to New York a few weels before that.

"Miss Fernandez." Mario says and I smile at him.

"Obrigado." I say and head gesture for Amara to come.

We go out to the SUV and then I strapped Alannah into her car seat before getting in the front passenger seat.

We head for the airport and just as I'm about to call Alexi, someone shot at our car.

I curse in Portuguese as Alannah starts screaming. I look out the window to try and get a glimpse of who it was.

I call the warehouse for backup immediately.

"Estacionar!" I demand and Mario looks at me with wide eyes.

"Você está louco?" He asks and I nod.

"Possibly." I say checking for my gun.

He pulls over and I turn back to Alannah.

"I love you." I say and worry immediately washes over her.

"Where are you going?" She asks and the car rocks.

"You're going to see daddy okay?" I ask and she nods slowly. I wipe a tear and turn to Amara.

"Take care of my baby." I say and she nods.

"Be careful." She tells me and I nod.

"Always am." I say and quickly kiss Alannah's cheek.

"Coloque-os naquele avião. Verifique primeiro e leve-os para Jax." I demand and he nods.

I jump out of the car and as I slam the door, all that could be heard was Alannah's screams.

"Boss what the hell are you doing?" José says and I sigh.

"Not going home to my boyfriend, obviously." I sigh holding on to my gun.

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